Madeira Zone

Madeira Zone
President and Sister Fluckiger with the Madeira Zone

Sunday, January 13, 2013

November 12, 2012

Oh my WORD!!! I'M SO EXCITED!!! I literally cried. I am so excited for ryan!!!! He is such an amazing person!! oh man I'm SO excited for him!!!! He is going to be such an amazing missionary. He will literally change the world. Man I love him SO much!! oh my goodness I really can't express the way that I feel right now. Oh MAN!!!! I'm SOOOOO STOKED!!!!!!And he's going to be speaking the language of the angels :)

Kendall Lloyd, where's he going? dad told me but I forgot.Nick's going to Canada huh? That's super cool! maybe he'll get to meet some of Gillian's family huh? Man everyone is taking off!! that's so fun!! I love it to death!!! man here we come baby!!

You have been in primary for a long time mom! 5 primary programs huh? that's crazy! How did it go? Everything run smooth? Sounds like things are changing over there! that's so crazy! Steven will receive the priesthood eh? One more holder of the Lord's power! how cool is that! 
Snow huh? I miss it! but actually, I hear that it might actually snow here in Gaia this year. It's been SUPER cold! haha a member gave me and my comp a pair of his really comfy thick socks! we were super excited! we get home, and our feet are wet, and we take off our shoes and put on those warm comfy socks.....oh a little piece of heaven right there :)
Eagles concert huh? right on right on. Haha last time condie went to an Eagles concert, me and hadlee and jaden and damian were there....that's funny! haha :) 

Í'm so glad that Syd's doing so well! I love her so much, and I'm super proud of her. I pray for her all the time. I'm so glad that she's doing so well!! too bad baby Ava's so rough, but what can you expect from a 2 month old right? :) Yeah I remember the Piano Guys! they just started right as I was leaving i think. That's super cool! did ash like them? It's amazing how John Schmidt is so Mormon Famous! Our stake presidents son plays waterfall all the time! haha :)

Hahaha way to be britt!!! play defense and pass the ball!! way to rock it! be intense, aggressive, but dont reach and foul.....i did that a lot. not very smart. play with your feet, not your hands ok? keep hustling! and ps....offensive rebounds and put backs are super fun. just saying :)

Ok, so Isaías is doing great!! I got to talk to a guy from Guinea, AFrica the other day! we did a division the other day with the Assistants, and I was working with Elder Cá, an elder from Guinea but lived in Cape Verde for a long time, and we went by Isaías, and it turns out, Elder Ca´s brother can help get the documents from Guinea here so that Isaías can get married!! Coincidence?? nope :) Its amazing how the Lord works! and Raquel, his girlfriend, received her own testimony about the Book of Mormon!! it was so amazing!!! the difference in her was like night and day. She prayed, and felt that the book of mormon really was the word of God, and the spirit in that house when we got there was 100% different. It was SO amazing! I'm so grateful that Heavenly Father loves His children enough to answer our prayers :) Now we're just waiting on the papers to get married, and the Lord provided us another miracle with Elder Cá's brother. It was super cool to talk to a guy in Africa too!! and then I gave the phone to Isaías, and he spoke in Creole!! which was ridiculously rad! haha :)

The Lord has just blessed this zone so much lately! Almost every single area in the zone has found families that are progressing, and the Lord is providing miracles everywhere! Last night we found the coolest Brazilian family ever! We had talked to Johnatan, the 16 year old son before, and then met the dad just real quick. Johnatan started reading the book of mormon, and then we went back to talk to him, and he wasn't there, but then the Spirit told us to start teaching the Dad a little bit more. So we talked to him some more and then we left a book of mormon, and then in the meantime, his other daughter and her friend got there, so we left them a book of mormon too and they loved it! Jennifer is 13 and is super intelligent. She's from the Evangelical Church, and is very active, and she was just so attentive and completely understood everything as we explained the Book of Mormon. It was SO cool! she said she was going to read it and pray about it and tomorrow we'll go back to talk to everyone!! it's been so amazing to see the blessings of the Lord in our area and our work. 

And we just starting teaching these amazing Families that basically live together but dont. Liliana and her mom Margarida, and then Rosa and her daughter Ariana. We just passed them in the street once, just talked to them, they gave us their address and said we could come by someother time. So we passed by but Liliana was leaving, and she was like, oh wait, come back on Monday and we'll feed you dinner. OK!! :) So we had dinner with them, left them a book of mormon, and then went back on Saturday, they had read, loved it, an were so attentive as we taught the restoration. And Liliana and Rosa came to Church yesterday!!! it was so amazing!! the Lord has just blessed us so very much this last week, and I'm so grateful! It's been super fun! 

Well mom, I gotta go, but I love you so much!! even if you got old yesterday ;) haha jk :) Thanks for everything! and thanks for finding that cd! haha :) love you so much!! até próximo! tchau tchau! beijinhos! :)

Elder Jordan Brady week I'll try to send pictures of my european suit! :)

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Figueira da Foz-Elder Brady's First Area
Figueira da Foz-Elder Brady's First Area