Madeira Zone

Madeira Zone
President and Sister Fluckiger with the Madeira Zone

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Hey, Let's wait until Elder Brady's in Portugal, then we'll enjoy getting a Christmas tree. good idea :) November 27, 2012

first things first, before I forget, idk if you guys are still planning on coming to portugal to pick me up, but if you are, I have lunch planned for us on the first day :) no I'm not trunky, but my old comp elder faias just wanted me to tell you now cuz he thought I'd forget later. So I told you, Elder Faias wants to take you to his house when/if you and dad come to get me. just saying :)
2nd thing, you should read 1 John Chapter 5 today. It was really interesting to read that chapter. It's just got a really neat and beautiful explanation of the Godhead. I really enjoyed it.

So, I got my new suit. and I think I look classy. The Lady at the store didn't like my tie though....which was really ok because it was ugly tie day in our companionship, so it really was an ugly tie, but i ended up buying a new one which was also ok, because it was really cool looking. 

I'm so happy for syd! I've been praying for her. She has been so blessed. I'm so grateful for her example of faith and trust. You're totally fine on the package mom. We're actually going to be going to Lisbon 2 times in the next 2 weeks, so I'll get it :) next tuesday we have Mission Council, and then the next week, I won't be writing on monday, and I'm actually not sure when I'm gonna be writing that week because on the 11th we're having a misison Christmas Conference which will be SWEET!!! so I'll be getting it no problems :) Voltage adapter, I think i'm ok. I haven't had any problems so far and i don't htink I need anything else. I have a little purple thing that i think is that voltage adapter. It plugs into the wierd European outlets and then my normal American plug plugs into it. So i think we're ok there.

Oooh. dad got the flu huh? That's super rough! dad never gets sick! I'm super sorry! but also super impressed that it was only 2 days. That activity sounds AMAZING!! who won the money?? :) And sounds like Thanksgiving weekend as a whole was great. I'm so glad to hear that! no one wanted to play ball with Matthew? oh's cuz everyone is on a mission now! :) haha that's an ok place to be then :)

The FHE went really well! We were really pleased! We talked about the Word of Wisdom, and Isaías's son, Leonardo, loved the little activity that Sister Avelar put together! it was really really cool. and the Stake president is the MAN! He had such an amazing talk with Raquel, and i got to be a little part of it. we talked about the power of the temple and the purpose of families and also how we can know for ourselves if this is really true. It was super cool! Also, with them, I've seen the difference that the book of mormon makes in peoples lives. They stopped reading the book of mormon, just for a little bit, and we could tell immediately. Please please please pray that we can get those documents from Africa. they're starting to get a little discouraged because it's been taking so long. The Lord is taking care of them here, and they're still doing great, but we could just use all the prayer power we can get :) 
We've really been seeing the hand of the Lord here. and I'm starting to understand a little bit better the timing of the Lord. The Lord has got a time and a place for everything. For example, we've been trying to get a hold of this amazing Brazilian family for EVER! but we've had such a hard time. they always have something come up at the last minute and they have to cancel. But then last night, after church, right at the end of the night, we decided to pass them by. and it was amazing!! we were able to have such an awesome lesson! we watched the Restoration, to help them really see and understand who the prophet Joseph Smith really was. And the mom was there!!! it was amazing! we've never been able to teach her before. But then she left halfway through because one of her friends came :( BUT!!! after she left she took the little kids too (3 and 6 year olds) who were kind of distracting a little bit. So we wanted to teach everyone, but it wasn't really working out. So then after she left, we were just with the teenagers, Johnatan, Jenifer, and Jessika. (16, 13, 15 years old... ithink) and because it was just us, they opened up so much. They were asking questions, and were so sincere and they all understood so well! it was AMAZING!! please pray that Heavenly Father will help them receive and recognize an answer from the spirit ok? thanks guys! :)

WEll mom, I've gotta run. I sent a little something for you guys in the mail so keep a look out. I'm planning on sending something a little bit better for a real Christmas Present, but this is a starter :) I love you so much. Thank you for sending all that stuff, and thinking about me, and praying for me. I'm doing the same for you mom! I love you so much. You rock my world!

Elder Brady

Ps...i love the missionary updates....just saying :) Love ya!!

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Figueira da Foz-Elder Brady's First Area
Figueira da Foz-Elder Brady's First Area