Madeira Zone

Madeira Zone
President and Sister Fluckiger with the Madeira Zone

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Why have you not been baptiiiiized?? (Yes that's a Nacho quote) December 24, 2012

Hey mom.
So I'm probably not gonna write much today, just cuz I don't want to spoil anything for tomorrow eh? :) But we've got stuff set up so  tomorrow at 7:00ish here I'll be calling. Well either me or Elder Rodriques. I'm not real sure.  But it will either be 7 or 8 ish just depending on the situation. so that would be like 12 or 1 ish there I think. Is that gonna work? I'll be checking my email tomorrow right before to get the password and stuff for skype so if there are any problems, you can let me know by email. k? :) thank! :)

So mom, I'm super sorry about the caroling party! and I'm super sad that dad and britt are sick! That makes me super sad! I hope they get better! sickness at christmas is super rough. Christmas traditions are the BOMB! I'm super sad that it didn't work. sorry about that. don't worry, we're going caroling tonight with the ward, so I'll sing extra loud just for you ok? :)
That's super sad about Bryden! I'm praying for him. absolutely. Everything will be 100% fine. Heavenly Father has been watching over our family since the beginning, and I know that He's in charge. The more trust we put in Him, the more peace and tranquility comes to our heart. I know He's watching out for Bryden. Haha I have such amazing memories with that short little hairy man :) Mom, your whole family is incredible. From the oldest sibling right down to the youngest. Everything will be fine. :)
So just one more thing real quick, How is the Holyoak family doing? I've been a complete slacker and haven't written them but I thought about them the other day. If you could do me a favor mom and pass on my love for them with a great big hug and ask them if I can borrow some sweats that would be great! :)

Well mom, I'm gonna run, we still have a bunch to do today. We played soccer this morning, and I got destroyed, but it was fun! It just took up a lot of time....and since we're gonna talk tomorrow, i don't have much more to say. Just MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! love you!!!!
até amanhã!!! 
com amor, 
Elder Jordan Brady

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Figueira da Foz-Elder Brady's First Area
Figueira da Foz-Elder Brady's First Area