Madeira Zone

Madeira Zone
President and Sister Fluckiger with the Madeira Zone

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Isaiah 55:9 December 17, 2012

Oi, mãe! agora estou falando como um brasileiro porque o meu colega e de lá! A cara é bem engraçada! 

Snow day snow day! those are the only phone calls I've ever liked at 6:00 in the morning. The ones saying you can sleep in! hahaha :) So how was it? did it happen? man it's crazy that you guys are still in school. This whole week here in portugal every one is out of school. Which is really cool actually because we've been planning a really cool activity with the young men during the week! It's gonna be super fun! I'm gonna get to play the real football for the first time on my mission! crazy little american kid playing with the portuguese rock stars, this could be interesting! :) Everyone here in portugal rocks at soccer, but at least I'll still have a shot at beating them, cuz we're gonna play basketball too, and basketball is a little bit weaker over here ;) 
~That's so great that lys will be home! she's jhust the world wide traveller! It's amazing how the Lord works. He is the perfect teacher. That has been one of the biggest lessons I've learned on my mission, is really the fact that the Lord teaches us. That He knows us and our weaknesses, and knows how to make them our strengths. If we let Him. And that is what alyssa has done. It's been amazing to see her growth. I'm super proud of her! And she's stopping in P-town! yeah Provo! :) 
Choir practice during the week??? Scandalous! teeheehee. haha jim wouldn't go. That's super funny. Which songs are you singing? It'll all turn out 100% fine. Dont even stress! And that's still so wierd to me that Jason is driving, and is probably getting really good a being a home teacher by now. That's so cool! That's one thing that I will do so much better after the mission. I will dedicate more time and attention to being a good hometeacher. I've seen the difference that this can make in the lives of the members, active or less active. I'm so glad to hear that they are doing so well. We're super blessed that way :) 
Thanks SO much for the Christmas eve thing mom! I got super pumped! Elder Rodrigues is pretty excited to try it out to actually. It will be a really fun thing for us too. don't you even worry! and everything got here just fine! thank you so much for that! and the long johns were a good idea too! It's FREEZING! haha and everyone says it's just gonna get worse in January. here we come! I just wish it would snow already! ya know the cold when it doesn't snow, just rain, and it's like freezing to the bones and you don't even have the snow to show for it? that's gaia! haha :)
Thank you so much for the letters too. I was so grateful for Sister Fluckiger and her kindness. I love her so much! the other day i just got some random bumbs that itched like crazy, all over my body, and I called her and she was so cute and helpful! I loved it! She was super worried about me and then when she was here in gaia the other day, we just got to see her for like 2 seconds at out christmas party, and she was like, Hey, how's your itch?? haha made me laugh :)But yeah, we thought maybe I had gotten the chicken pox, but after sending pictures to the misison doctor in Germany, he called me and talked to me, and we're still not sure what exactly it is, but he doesn't think it'«s chicken pox, so that's good! and I don't itch anymore, so it's all good. I just look kinda of goofy and some of the people are like hey, what's on your face? so that's fun. but I'm just grateful it's not chicken pox! :)

OH MAN!! Zumba and Gaston are AMAZING! they were baptized on Friday, and confirmed on Sunday and it was SO amazing! ZUmba asked when she could bear her testimony! haha oh my word they are so amazing. I've never met anyone so humble, so prepared for the gospel in my entire life. When we taught about the word of wisdom, they just had a few little problems. No addictoins, they just drank a little bit of tea and coffee. But when we taught about alcohol, Zumba pointed at Gaston and laughed, cuz he drank a little. Then we said black tea, and Gaston pointed at Zumba cuz she drank tea! haha it was really cute and made us laugh really hard! but they are so amazing and sacrifice so much! they walk an hour every sunday to the church, rain or shine! they are so humble. And Gaston is going to receive the priesthood next sunday! it is really such an amazing experience. And we haven't done anything. THe Lord has honestly and truly done it all. Heavenly Father just prepares the hearts of people to receive HIs word. I've learned so much from Gaston and Zumba.
And the other Elders that work in our ward had 3 baptisms this weekend as well! The Lord has just blessed Gaia 1st ward SO much this weekend! 5 new members in 1 weekend. It was SO much fun! I'm really grateful that the Lord has blessed me enough to be in this ward, in this district, with these Elders. It's been such a fun experience! The mission is SO great!!
Isaías, MIRACLE ALERT! so right before the baptism, we went to buy cake to share with everyone there afterwards, and when we got off the metro, we saw isais getting ready to leave, and we were like HEY! come watch this baptism! he was like um................................................fine ok. ha! so we went there and it was such a great baptism! Isaías was ready to get dressed in white too! it was so cool! and all the members were asking when it was his turn! haha he was like "ask Brady!" haha. he always gives me a hard time cuz he's had a date marked twice, but it's fallen because of this marriage thing. but long story shorter....He loved the baptism and is now a lot more focused on getting married! Heavenly Father works all these little miracles one step at a time. It's all in His timing and in His hands. This much I know. We're still trying to help Raquel. She's not quite as strong right now, but she'll come around. :) We still haven't heard about the paperwork. We went to the Consolate of Guinea, and basically we have to keep calling guinea. We're still working on it, but it's all in the Lord's timing :)
My comp right now is Elder Jason Rodrigues. He's brazilian, but moved to Florida when he was 8 and so he's american. He was an AP for a full year on his mission. He's a great elder! he really wants to do work and is SO funny! he's really helping me out on basically everything! and Elder Bergeron went to Figueira da Foz actually!! haha where I started! :) He is finishing the 2nd half of the training of Elder Smith, and is really liking it! 
Well mom, I love you so very much. Thank you for everything! I'm SO stoked to talk to you guys next week. I'm still not 100% sure when we will be able to yet. We have to confrim that, but next monday I'll let you know. We're still trying to figure out exactly when it's gonna be. But no worries, you'll know :) I love you mom! please keep praying for me so I can be more humble, and have more faith ok? I need all the help I can get!
And if you could also pray for a lady named Linda, she doesn't want her youngest daughter to get baptized, and we're not real sure why yet. We're going there tonight, and her daughter is INCREDIBLE! she's named Sonia. If you could pray for them both that would be awesome. Thanks! Love you!! MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!
Elder Brady

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