Madeira Zone

Madeira Zone
President and Sister Fluckiger with the Madeira Zone

Sunday, January 13, 2013

January 7, 2013

Happy First Week of 2013!!! 
That sounds like you guys had the funnest new years eve party ever! haha! What show did you go see? And was I with you when you went to that Pimpernel show? I think I was riding with Laura McGregor maybe? Idk....but that's super cool! Holy cow, -21 is crazy! But that had a good ending for you guys. congrats on that :) Watching basketball games in the marrito center is super fun! gets me super pumped! haha :) That's fun they won. how are they doing overall? How's their season?
I'm SUPER glad dad is doing better! flu is a bad deal! But I actually don't remember having it.....did I have it last year?
Ashleigh is so amazing. I love her so much. She has always just been super in tune with the Spirit. Such a rock star! I love the fact that she didn't question it. Sometimes we have the desire to want to know everything that will happen, or why it's not a good idea or stuff like that before we are willing to act and follow the spirit. But ashleigh has never had that problem. She's just super willing to follow what the Spirit tells her and it always works out great! Just like it always will :) Ryan will be ok. No stress. 
Oh mom!! You're not in the primary anymore! sad day! Heavenly Father's got a reason for everything eh?? ;) Funny story, our stake president's wife has been the primary president in our ward for a long long time. Like 6 or 7 years or something like that. A long time. And she has been telling us that she just doesn't have patience and she just can't do it anymore and stuff like that and everytime they are changing the callings and leadership in the ward she is just waiting for the release to come, but then it never does. And she was like "Why am I so stubborn! why can't I just learn patience already!!" Hahaha super funny. Moral of the story, you've already learned what you need to mom, so now you can move on to bigger and better things :) Sometimes I get frustrated cuz there's something I want to learn or want to develop or something like that, and I just can't seem to get it. And then after a while of me being frustrated and upset, Heavenly Father finally shows me the milk that I need to drink before I can eat the meat. Heavenly Father is the perfect teacher, sometimes we're the ones that aren't very good students :) haha :)

We had the coolest baptism on SATURADY!!! It was amazing! I think I already told you about this amazing brother named Adelino. He has been super anti-mormon....well not anti mormon, but kinda. His wife is a member of about 6 years. She always wanted to talk to the Elders, but they never knocked on her door. So Adelino passed them once in the street and brought them to his house so they could talk to Isabel, his wife. Then she was converted and was a really strong member, and adelino was just like fine whatever go for it, but I don't want to give up smoking or drinking. He was always super friendly with the missionaries but would always just raz them a little bit. He found a lot of Anti mormon stuff on the internet and used that a lot against the missionaries. A lot. Then when their daughter turned 8 he got really mad when Isabel allowed her daughter to be baptized. about 3 years ago. He was still friends with the members, but he said he jsut didn't agree with the teachings of the church and the commandments. Then his wife went a little bit less active, but always had a super strong testimony. Still does. Super strong! And then one day we passed by and she was like, Hey elders, Adelino wants to talk to you. so we went there again, started teaching him, and then step by step the Lord touched his heart. It was amazing to see the changes in him. He quit smoking, he quite drinking, he accepts the law of tithing and is amazing!!! He bore testimony at his baptism and honestly mom, it was the most amazing testimony I've ever heard! he told about how for a long time, his pride wouldn't let him accept the gospel, but then as he humbled himself, and became as a child, he accepted the ordenances of the gospel. It was so amazing. I'm so grateful to have been able to be there for that. It about made me cry! It made me super happy!! 
And Jhenyffer, the little brazilian girl is progressing so well!! she's reading from the book of mormon, coming to church and she feels that the church is true!!! Oh my word she's so cool mom!! you'd really like her. Her sense of humor is almost exactly like yours! haha :) she's going to an FHE with our stake president tonight, it's gonna be amazing! She's only 13 but she has had some of the most honest sincere desires to know and do what's right. She's been studying with the Jehovah's Witnesses a little and it's made her really confused, but she has been super sincere and has been asking such great questions. Heavenly Father has definitely prepared her for the gospel! It's been a fun ride with that whole family! haha :)
so to answer your question, Elder Rodrigues (pronounced Ho dree gus) (portuguese, not spanish mom :) :) :)haha jk) 
yeah he goes home next monday, so we'll see what happens. The Lord knows where I need to be and with whom I should be, so we'll see. I love gaia. A lot. The ward is incredible and has made SO much progress. I'd love to be here one more! we'll just see what the Lord wants i guess :)
Well momk, I gotta run, sorry this isn't the greatest letter, but you're the greatest mom, so that's totally makes up the difference :) Thanks for everything and don't even worry about the package mom, I'm not even a little bit worried about it :) I love you so much!
Tchau tchau!!
Elder Brady

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