Madeira Zone

Madeira Zone
President and Sister Fluckiger with the Madeira Zone

Monday, November 5, 2012

November 5, 2012

BRANDO!!!! OH MY WORD!! WAY TO GO STUD!!! man you are going to do great!! and you don't have that long to wait! haha! haha man that's super cool! He'll love it down there! I'm super pumped for him! it's ridiculous how many missionaries are going to south america. it's like an Idaho party down there :) And he levaes almost exactly a year behind. that's kinda cool! Here in two years he'll be home in time for my birthday party ;)
~ps.....last week you didn't tell me who was going on a mission....cuz they were gonna tell me....but i'm pretty sure I need to know. just saying. It«s been driving me nuts trying to figure out who it is!! haha :)

Way to go syd! I'm super excited to hear that she's doing ok. It's amazing to see how well she's doing. That's such a blessing. I know that everything is gonna be just fine. So mom, how long does the treatment work? What is it like? I'm so grateful that Heavenly Father is taking care of her. I know that everything is gonna be just fine with her. She's a tough girl. I'm still praying for her, and everythings gonna be fine. How have Ian and Owen been? Are they taking everything ok? And little Ava? How's she doing?

CONGRATS LUKE AND KYLEE!! brody is so massive!! haha! Luke's just gonna have to deal with it. Basketball players rock! :) haha man I can't believe that. I showed Elder Bergeron the picture and he about passed out! He couldn't believe the size difference! haha! How's Kylee doing? youre not kidding mom, there's gonna be a whole herd of a new generation that won't even know who I am! sad day. haha it'll be super fun!

Man I'm super pumped!! 12 new misisonaries from the stake! that's so great!! sounds like they kept pres. Christensen pretty occupied! :) That makes me super happy! Especially because we had stake conference yesterday and we only had 1 missionary from the Stake of Porto. How many do we have out right now? a lot. And Katie is going to New York! that will be awesome! and Trevor leaves here in a week or two right? Man this is so sick!! I love missions!!! haha :) Todd's home huh? How's he doing? Is he doing alright? How long has he been out on his mission. A year and a half or something like that right? man that's rough. I really hope he can get back out there! And Nick's papers are in too! man the whole world is going on a mission! Ainda bem!! the Lord needs all the workers there are. Elder Holland and the Brethren are saying that "The Lord is hastening on his work." What a great responsibility we all have to do the very best that we can. I'm so grateful for the Lord, and allowing me to be a part of His work. I feel very honored to be a part of it here in Portugal. I'm so proud of our stake! There are a lot of great warriors hitting the fields!! keep it up Grace Idaho Stake of Zion!!

But just so you know, stake conference was incredible!! Isaías went, and it was amazing! it was exactly what he needed and he loved it so much! We're gonna go by tonight to see how he's doing. We're still waiting on the marriage, but it's been incredible to see the extra time. he was ready and had a date set for his baptism, but he just still wasn't sure he wanted to get married, so we waited. And this last week has been so incredible! His testimony has been strengthened SO much! He started bearing his testimony to his girlfriend Raquel telling her that this was the "restored gospel and restored Church of Jesus Christ"!! it was so cool! and she's been reading the book of mormon and really wants to find out which church is the true church. She's progressing really well too! It's been SO fun to see her start to progress. And stake conference was basically all about service. It was really amazing! This gospel is a living gospel that changes the lives of those around us, and not just their lives, but eternities to come. That goes for those that are already in the Church as well as those who still haven't come to know that gospel. But one of the biggest parts of the gospel, is the fact that when we enter in to the gospel, when we've felt the effects of the atonement in our lives, we feel the desire to follow the Saviors example. And when we enter in to the fold, through the means of baptism, we make a covenant with the Lord that we will serve Him and His children. And in stake conference, they talked about our call to serve in the Church as well. We make a covenant to serve with all our heart might mind and strength, regardless of where we serve in the Church, as a primary teacher, Elders Quorum President, Home Teacher, we are called to help one another get home to the presence of our Heavenly Father. I'm so grateful mom, for your example. You've always understood that and you've always magnified your calling and sincerely served. I'm so grateful for that mom. you really are a wonderful example to me. 

The pipe broke again?? Oh man! that is not good. and they didn't even get out of school! sad day!! haha but how great that jim was just "accidently" at the school that day! wink wink :) Thanks for moving that money over mom! I'm gonna have to show you pictures next week, cuz this week we had interviews with president fluckiger, which were amazing, but I don't have time to go shopping, but I am incredibly offended that you don't think I can pick out a good looking suit. Especially cuz I'm in Europe, and all the suits are good looking :) haha just kidding :)

Well mom, I gotta run, But I love you so much. Thank you for everything. I'm super sorry that my letters are always so random and unorganized. I just have so much to say that it all kinda just comes out! and if I missed something, don't be afraid to ask the question again, I didn't ignore that question, it just got lost in my head :) Haha love you so much!!
Elder Brady

Ps, if you guys send a package for Christmas, we're having a Christmas conference in Lisbon, so you could just send it there and I'll get it easier. If you could just address it like this it will work better:
A Igreja de Jesus Cristo dos Santos dos Ultimos Dias
A/C Elder Jordan Brady
Apartado 40054
1500 Lisboa
And then if you could label it as a gift, it makes it easier to pass through customs or something? Idk for sure....but the office said it's easier for them like that. thanks!! love you!!!

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Figueira da Foz-Elder Brady's First Area
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