Madeira Zone

Madeira Zone
President and Sister Fluckiger with the Madeira Zone

Sunday, January 13, 2013

November 19, 2012

Oí mãe!! como estás?? estou bem, obrigado. :) Como está a vida em Grace Idaho? está tudo tranquilo? provavelmente :) 
Man, that fireside would be amazing!!! I'm super jealous! I love them so much. How's Britten doing as far as health goes? Is he doing alright? That's a really amazing principle that Karla talked about. How sometimes it takes work to overcome the temptations and distractions of the world, and to be closer to the Savior, but its so worth it. That's also been something that has been becoming more and more real all the time, that the adversary is becoming more and more powerful, and the tools that he has are powerful and advanced, but he also likes to use some of the most simple and old tricks in the book. Laziness, procrastination, basically the natural man. and it takes work. But it's worth it. always.
Thanks for that reminder mom, that really repentance is something that brings us closer to our Heavenly Father. That really when we look at it that way, we should jump for joy at the chance to put off the natural man, and become more like our Savior. Repentance sometimes is a hard thing for us to do. This is also a trick that the adversary uses. He doesn't want us to use the atonement, because he doesn't want us to be happy. He wants us to be miserable and have the weight of a guilty conscience. That makes him happy. That's the only pleasure that he can have, is seeing Heavenly Father's children lose their joy and happiness. I'm so grateful, that our Heavenly Father, knew that this was going to happen, and before He created the world, He created a way for us to overcome Satan, and the distractions of the world. He called His Son. He called His Son to be our Savior. I'm so grateful for Heavenly Father's wisdom grace and love.
I'm super glad that you liked the Eagles concert!!! sounds like a blast!! hahaha man they are super old! one of these days their vocal chords are just gonna stop! haha :) that's super great that you liked it so much! And it sounds like the temple was also so great! I miss the temple! One thing that has just been super amazing, is the focus that the ward has been putting on temple attendance. There has been such a huge push on the importance of tithing. I know, that as we pay a full tithing, with the intentions of thanking the Lord, He literally opens the windows of heaven, and pours out blessings. 
Hahaha I always knew my sisters were charitable!! haha hey girls, just so you know, it's easier to win if you just play for the right team :) haha but hey, you're both one step ahead of me, I didn't score for either team, so it's a step in the right direction right? :) and sarah, you're probably a lot faster now that you don't have all that hair weighing you down!   haha just kidding'
 So ash is thinking Dixie huh? Go for it man! you'll do great down there! I love how there's not like a Brady tradition. We basically just do what we want ;) Steph to dixie, alyssa USU, me BYU and then ash back to Dixie. So now Britt just needs to go to USU and sarah to BYU and we're all set. One thing ash that really helps us know what Heavenly Father wants, is just to read the scriptures. As we pray and ask for Heavenly Father's  guidance and direction, and then we read the scriptures, He's promised that they will guide us. So as you pray, and then ask Heavenly Father to help you know what to do, start studying the scriptures, and then pay attention to the thoughts that come into your mind as you read and ponder. That's how Heavenly Father guides us. The Spirit will guide our thoughts. 
Yeah we got to talk to Africa! We're actually gonna call again tomorrow to check up on that. cool thing about Isaías. He really loved going to FHE at the stake presidents house the other day, so yesterday at church, he invited President Ribeiro and his whole family, and us, to their house tonight for FHE!! We're super excited! It's gonna be a lot of fun!
OH MAN! Grace Idaho is just rocking the east coast!! haha that's super cool!! I'm SO pumped for Hadlee and Brandi!! When do they leave?? Man I honestly am just super excited about this whole situation!!! It's gonna rock! and Ryan is going to the exact same mission as Trevor! how cool! 10 € says that they're comps!! :) just kidding, I shouldn't gamble. And thanks for the update on Elder Mathews. I hadn't heard about him for awhile. And how aobut Elder Foster? Have you heard anything about him lately?
As far as we're going, everything is tudo ok here! Elder Bergeron has actually had a few stomach problems lately, but I've been super impressed, even when he's been feeling sick, he doesn't let it get to the work. And he never complains about it. He's really a rock star. I love him a lot. He told me that in his interview with Pres. Fluckiger, President asked him if he thought he could train.....uh oh.....haha we'll see what happens, but it looks like maybe the Lord is preparing something for Elder Bergeron! We're staying warm here, but we have to keep the heater right next to our faces as we sleep. The other day I did a division with Elder Gaertner (An elder that I LOVE from the MTC) in his area up north. Man that place was COLD! they didn't have blankets until like a week ago, and they just have one heater and we about died!!! haha I don't know how they are living up there! Elder Geartner wears long johns under his suit!! hahaha that place is cold! so the little bit of rain that's here doesn't bother me so much anymore :) The zone is doing pretty well. It's been a little rough up here the last little while. The work has been a little bit slow in the zone and so we're fighting disappointment a lot, but we've really seen the hand of the Lord recently. Almost every area has a family that they are focusing on. and there were a lot of people that came to church! we've got 5 baptisms marked in the zone for this weekend and we're working to help even more people accept the invitation. I'm really learning that our attitude has so much to do with our happiness. and it also affects the work. If we're happy, and we face life witha good attitude, our trials, our difficulties, the commandments, if we face it with a good attitude and with the attitude of becoming more like the Savior, we're happy. We're on the earth to become like the Savior, and to become perfect. And Nephi teaches us that we exist so that we might have joy. So really as we repent, and face our trials or temptations, or obey the commandments and become like the Savior, we become happy. That's where true happiness and joy comes from. 
I love you so much  mom. I'm so grateful that you are inspired. There are alot of things in this email that were exactly what i needed to hear. That were literally answers to my prayers. Thanks mom. I love you so much. And don't worry, there's not reallyanything dangerous or sketchy here that I'm not telling you, so rest easy :) Hahaha, love you mom!!
Elder Brady

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Figueira da Foz-Elder Brady's First Area
Figueira da Foz-Elder Brady's First Area