Madeira Zone

Madeira Zone
President and Sister Fluckiger with the Madeira Zone

Sunday, January 13, 2013

December 10, 2012

Hey mom! 
Snow huh?? that's crazy! It's ridiculously cold here too, but as far as snow goes, we're still snow-free. Man that's awesome that Maysa and Miranda were in the Nutcracker! I bet it was awesome! But since when did she start driving?? Fogo! that's so scary. Andreas getting old :) And Jason is driving too huh? Grace Idaho is full of new drivers. That's really crazy actually. That's so good that they didn't get hurt in their little fender benders. 
Natashas going to New Mexico?? That's so cool! She's going to do great! I'm super pumped for her!  I met a couple elders from New Mexico, but seeing as I'm really bad at Geography, I have no idea where they are from in New Mexico. And speaking of geography, there was a member girl here the other night that asked me if I knew all of the 50 states. Man that was hard! Me and Elder Rodrigues were struggling with that one. But we got them all so don't even worry about it. 

So quick update on the miracles that are going on here in Gaia. About 2 weeks ago, we were walking through this neighborhood at about 7 at night, and then all of a sudden we heard "Elders! Oh Elders!" We were kind of ignoring just a little bit, because we always here that. The kids here like to call us and stuff. So we were only like half way interested, but then we turned around and there was an older guy running up the stairs behind us. He called us again, waved us over. So we were a little bit confused, but we went and talked to him. His name is Gaston, (yes, like beauty and the beast :) ) and his wife's name is Zumba (yes like that work out dance). He's from Congo!! He told us that he saw us the street a couple times but was never able to talk with us because we were getting in the metro and stuff like that but that he has been wanting to talk to us for a really long time. He asked us where our church was. We were super surprised but more than happy to give the address to the church. He told us that he would love for us to come to his house, but he was living in the house of one of his friends, (who is muslim) and it probably would be better to meet in a different spot to talk to us. But he gave us his number and said he and his wife would love to come to church! We were SOOO stoked!! and so sunday morning, we met them and walked to church together and they just loved it so much! They felt the spirit so strongly and they were singing the Christmas Hymns and everything! It was SO amazing! and then we had an appointment with Gaston in the church this last week, and when we started talking about the Savior and His example, he told us that he had never been baptized, but he wanted to be baptized like the Savior, so he could serve God and receive a remission of his sins. It was absolutely incredible! He was SO prepared! And he was bearing such powerful testimony of the Savior. I was so touched by his testimony and love for the Savior. So we asked him, if he could choose a day to be baptized, any day, what would it be? and he said, "probably on a saturday or a sunday so the people in the church can watch it!" hahaha oh man it was SO fun!! We invited him to be baptized on the 16th and he wanted to. So we prayed and asked Heavenly Father if this was the right thing to do, and we all felt the spirit very strongly! It was so incredible!! and we left him a book of mormon in Portuguese, and French, cuz that's what they speak in Congo! He came to church again yesterday, and loved it one more time! It was so amazing! Please keep praying for Gaston and Zumba! It's been such a testimony builder for me that the Lord prepares His children to receive the gospel. We asked Gaston why he came and talked to us, and he told us, " Ijust felt something in my heart saying that I should talk to you." IT was so amazing. I've never met such a humble man, truly humble with a desire to serve the Lord like Gaston. It was such an amazing experience for me. I'm so grateful that Heavenly Father has prepared him and his wife to be baptized and receive the gospel in their lives. 

So here's just a little something for DJ. Feel free to make the words a little more poetic if you would like :)
1. It's ok to laugh. The gospel is a gospel of happiness, and the Spirit makes people feel good. So love, laugh, learn, and lay it all out for the Lord. You only get one chance at it, and so serve with all of your heart mind might and strength, because time flies!
2. Trust in the Lord. Really truly trust in Him. He is the perfect teacher, and He knows you. He knows your weaknesses, He knows your strengths, and He knows your potential. Trust in Him; He trusts you.
3. Also, write in your journal. Every day. Write the funny things that happen during the day. The funny, goofy stories. Write the inspirational thoughts that the Lord gives you day by day. Write the challenges you're going through (It gives you a chance to see how the Lord has changed you after He's helped you through it) and write about the people you meet and love. You will make some of the most amazing friends in the mission field, and the Lord knows who they are. Write it all down. 
4. Let the gospel, the Atonement, and the love of Heavenly Father and the Savior, become real to you. 
5. Alma 5:15-Look forward with an eye of faith.
6. Be careful when you're shaving. Cutting yourself really hurts :) :) 

Well mom, I gotta run. But I love you so much! thank you SOOOO much for the packages!! i'm SO excited for Christmas! Elder Rodrigues and I are gonna buy a Christmas tree today. Yup. It's gonna be sick! :) OH! and I'm not sure what exactly your schedule is like on christmas mom, but we're gonna be at a members on Christmas night. Probably about 7:30 or 8:00 ish at nihgt which is what like 12:30 or 1 ish? I'm not real sure. But the plan is like that for right now. But we'll confirm that this week. Will that work for you guys? Will you be able to skype?
Anyways....I'm out of time. I love you!! thanks for everything!!!

Elder Jordan Brady 

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Figueira da Foz-Elder Brady's First Area