Madeira Zone

Madeira Zone
President and Sister Fluckiger with the Madeira Zone

Sunday, October 21, 2012

September 3, 2012

Wow you guys went to town on the whole getting Steph and Matt moved in and working huh? That’s great! I bet it is kinda nice for them to just chill and be calm and not stress about anything but school eh? haha :) man everyone and their dog was there. DJ is super cool. I miss that kid a lot! When can he put his papers in do you know? He really does just have that spirit of everything’s good! Just a super suave kid and he is ALWAYS laughing! I miss his goofy laugh! haha what a stud! It's so weird to think that he's at BYU now. That's crazy! I forgot the Brigham City Temple was opening! That's SO cool! That'll be such a beautiful experience to be there. What's the temple like? is it a big one or is it smaller? Our branch president is actually gone this week because he and his family are going through the temple for the first time! His wife has been cuz she served a mission, but president has been a member for 9 years and has been saving to get to take his wife and 2 children to be sealed for time and all eternity. I'm SO happy for him! He's such an amazing man and I can't even wait! haha it's super cool! He's this awesome Angolan man, and his wife is a Brazilian and their 2 little kids are Moroni and Eliz! oh man what an amazing family! they are always willing to help us with the work, and they do so much for the church here. What an amazing family to be sealed! Anyway....back on track.
That's SO amazing that Shauna went through the temple!! Oh man I bet that was an amazing session. And I'm so excited that she and Kim are going to be sealed. That makes my heart really happy.
 You wouldn't believe the difference EFY has made to the young men here in our branch. They are all just rocking it now. 2 of them advanced in the priesthood to the office of priest yesterday and one of them has started wearing his suit to church again and wants to go on a mission! it's AMAZING! AND!! Yesterday there was a baptism in the other branch here in funchal of a girl who has been coming to church solidly for about 6 months. She is a friend of a couple of the young women and she has really loved the church and everything but the elders scared her! (she's oober shy and timid) but then she went to efy with them and came back and was like, elders, i want to be baptized!! OH MAN and the baptism was amazing! her family was all there and the spirit was strong and it was great! so funny story about that.....Elder Pickup and I were the witnesses, and we were all watching and everything....and Elder Rhodes was baptizing her, and he was saying the prayer and I was like "ok, her hair is long, I gotta make sure all of that goes under. All of it" So I was super focused, I wasn't gonna make a mistake. Super ready. So he says amen, and she goes under the water and all of her hair went under. Every strand. I was super focused. And I looked at Elder Pickup and he was like. yup. It was good. So we were super excited and were shutting the doors of the font and then ALL of the members were like "WAIT!!" wait? wait for what?? apparently her arm didn't go all the way under, but it turns out both of the witnesses were focused on her long hair, that we didn't even notice her long arm!! hahaha! so we had to open the doors and they had to do it again, and everything was good! But let's just say, I'm super glad that they're supposed to "witness before the church" and not just the 2 elders worried about her hair! haha :) but it's all good :)
So this week, I've had some really cool experiences. One of them was just a huge blessing from the Lord. So the other day we talked to a guy and his wife in the park. They were super cool. His name is Habeboolay which in one of the african languages means, Friend of God. That was cool. But anyways so we talked to them and they were really cool. we had a lesson a couple days later and we taught the restoration and the spirit was super strong! Habeboolay is muslim, and he understood the concept of prophets really really well, and he was doing really well with accepting Jesus Christ. We're still helping him little by little with that, but long story short, they really liked it and he was like "I'm going to that church, Elders. I'm going there for sure!" haha! Love him! but so then we had another appointment with them at that same park on saturday. I was on a division with Elder Lee, (a greeny from POCATELLO, IDAHO!!! saya WHAT??? haha) but we were on this division, and we walked into this park, and Habeboolay is sitting there with his wife and 4other guys playing cards. So we were like, hey habeboolay, can we still talk to you today? and he was like, yeah go ahead. we'll all listen. I was super nervous about that because these guys were all driking and smoking and stuff and I was just like, man, I've never taught 6 random people before. But Elder Lee looked at me, and the spirit was like, Go for it! So we took a deep breath, knelt down on the ground next to this table, said a prayer with them and went for it. Mom, this lesson was SO incredible. The spirit just took over and did everything! We had such an awesome time! these men were so humble and were asking such great questions and the all felt the spirit and we had an aweosme opportunity to bear testimony of the Savior and the cleansing power of the Atonement. and even though we were in the middle of a park with cars going by, and there was alcohol and cigarettes, the spirit was there, and every single one of those men felt the spirit. And they all marked appointments with us except for 2, but we could see them thinking about it, and now when they are in that same park when we pass by, they all say hi to us and talk to us, and the one guy named Rui wants us to help him stop drinking! IT was such a miracle! I was SO grateful for the spirit, because I've never done that before and we were kneeling in the middle of a park talking to 6 random guys who were kinda big scary looking guys. 2 of whom didn't have their shirts on, just saying. but the spirit took over and when we said the closing prayer, all of them just breathed deep and said, "that felt good". Yes, yes it did. It was amazing! the spirit is such an amazing tool, and can touch all people, and everyone loves feeling the spirit. It was SO cool! I'm so grateful for that. Highlight of my week! :)

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Figueira da Foz-Elder Brady's First Area

Figueira da Foz-Elder Brady's First Area
Figueira da Foz-Elder Brady's First Area