Madeira Zone

Madeira Zone
President and Sister Fluckiger with the Madeira Zone

Sunday, October 21, 2012

August 27,2012

oh buddy....I'm gonna have to say this in English to start translator doesn't speak Idaho-an because that message in portuguese did NOT make took me like 5 minutes to figure out what it was that you were saying! haha :) but don't stress, i'm still an Idaho kid at heart and I figured it out :)
   So I love you so much mom! just thought I'd say that ;)
   But you know I can totally see you saying all that cool spanglish stuff in Costa Vida! it would be great! but what's even funnier, is when I picture you coming to portugal and totally speaking portlish (portugese english) which would be SO fun!! just saying :) but in all seriousness, you do have the gift of tongues! haha love ya mom! But you know speaking of mixed languages, theres an amazingly humble man that came to church this week who is from romania. Nobody here in portugal can pronounce his romanian name, so he made up the name Jorge. haha. but he doesn't speak much portuguese, but spekas pretty decent spanish, so he speaks what we call, portanhol. haha he's such a cool guy! we just met him this week, he was a reference from a less active member who is starting to reactivate, and he's super cool! we met him on saturday, he came to church on sunday, and we're planning to meet with him on thursday to really start the lessons. If you could just pray that we'll be able to understand him, and he can understand us, but most importantly, that we can teach with the Spirit, because that's the most important thing. :)
It's so wierd to think that everyone is in school! It blows my mind! It just wierds me out to think that ash is a senior....that is super crazy. I don't like thinking about that very much. but PARABÉNS ASHLEIGH!!! you beat SODA!! right on butch! that's so fun! that's great that the coach is good! that really makes a huge difference.
   Everyone is starting up again! when does school start for Steph? and alyssa will be home for just a couple weeks before going to Ukraine right? wow....that's so wierd that everyone is going to be home! party at the brady house right? right.
   Ok, I know I've only been gone 6 months, but i feel like everyone is so much older now that i've left. Sarah is babysitting and Brittany is working in the spuds? since when?? I don't even know what's going on mom....but I'm wierded out! haha :)
   Sounds like your doing what's right on the Library job. Its amazing where the answers to our questions can come from. I've really been noticing the increidble importance of Church attendance. Not just for investigators, but for the members. Whatever question or doubt or situation that you are going through, the Lord answers us through the talks, the lessons, or just the fact that we're in His house, the Spirit can teach us exactly what we need to know. I've been thinking a lot about faith, and enduring to the end. Susana, our recent convert was telling us the other day, that her life hasn't really changed. That in some situations, it's been harder for her since her baptism. She's still trying to get divorced, and there are just lots of health problems with her family. Her parents are both in bed sick, and she takes care of them and it's just got a little worse. She was like what is going on here? and I was thinking the exact same thing. One of the thoughts that came to my head was Joseph Smith. He saw Heavenly Father and the Savior. They told him exactly what to do, and he did it. But what happened? He was persecuted beyond all belief. His family was persecuted. All of the saints who believed in him as their prophet and followed him faithfully were persecuted until they were ran out of the state. But one thing that was incredible, he never once doubted what he had seen. He never once denied it. He questioned. but he kept going, with faith.
   So we talked about that, and she was like yeah, that's true. And it helped a little bit, but she was still kinda wavering a bit. And I was pondering about that too. Why is it that when we are doing everything we think we can, the Lord doesn't just take away the trials. but then our district president gave a talk in sacrament meeting, that was AMAZING! He talked about the 2 best examples of enduring to the end. 2 that have honestly been inspirations in my life, the pioneers, and the savior. The pioneers, after the martyrdom of Joseph, were chased all the way across the country. They pulled their belongings in handcarts. They suffered hunger, frostbite, heat stroke, death. Everything. but they kept going. They knew that it was true. And they knew that Heavenly Father keeps his promises. They kept going to the end because of that witness they had received. that's the same with us. Sometimes, things are hard. Sometimes we don't understand. sometimes, we're trying to do what's right, and things just aren't going our way, and in those times, we just have to trust in the witnesses we've received.
   And then the example of the Savior. The ultimate example. the perfect example. Jesus Christ, in the middle of taking upon Him all of the sins, the sufferings, the pain, the confusion, the tempations, of every human being to ever exist, asked to have the cup taken away. "Saying, Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me: nevertheless not my will, but thine, be done." (Luke 22:42) Christ was perfect. He didn't need to suffer that. He was tired. He was hurt. This perfect man, who never even tasted the tiniest sin, was feeling all of it. All of the guilt, humility, and sorrow that comes from our mistakes. i can't even imagine the suffering He felt. He asked it to take it away, but because of His love for the Father, and His love for us, His brothers and sisters, He endured. He performed the most infinite, and perfect sacrifice for each and everyone of us. And He endured to the end. The man who never made a mistake. He did everything that Father asked, had to take on a task that was HUGE. But He did it. It was incredible. I'm so grateful for my Savior, and His love for me.
   and it was EXACTLY what Susana and I needed to hear. That happens every single week. It's amazing how Heavenly Father helps us one step at a time. every time.exactly what we need, when we need it. I'm so grateful for Him.
   So this week we've had such a hard time getting a hold of Armando and Claudia!! we think they're moving!! not good! but we've tried calling and she hasn't answered and we have tried passing by at different times to try and talk to her. It's been a little hard on us. But as we've been praying and praying the only thing that comes to my mind is that Heavenly Father loves them so much and wants to help them. He won't let them go! So I just ask for your prayers and faith that we'll be able to get in touch with them to find out where they are going that would be great!

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Figueira da Foz-Elder Brady's First Area
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