Madeira Zone

Madeira Zone
President and Sister Fluckiger with the Madeira Zone

Sunday, October 21, 2012

September 10, 2012

There is a fire burning in Jackson Hole right where the girls have worked, and it's affecting the Bar T 5, so that is what he's referring to.
Hey Mom!!!
Man that fire in Jackson looks like bad news! That's a really rough spot to have a fire. I'll definitely include them in my prayers! Fires are nasty business. Fogos fazem mal! eu não gosto!
Ok well this week was a lot of fun! I learned  a ton! I'm so grateful for the way that the Lord teaches. I've been learning a lot from Elder Wolman, who left this morning. Wierd. He's going home. Creeped me out. But anyways, last night we had a really cool "what have you learned on your mission" discussion. It was really an awesome thing. And as Elder Wolman was talking about his experiences, the spirit just kind of told me somethings that I really needed to improve. I was really kind of embarrassed that these were the things that I needed to work on, but as I started to think about it, I just felt peaceful. I felt like I wasn't alone. yes, these things are essential. And I aboslutely have to fix them. Right now. but the Lord will NEVER ask us to do something, and then leave us alone to do it. He's always right there alongside us, working in His vineyard. I'm so grateful for the Atonement of my Savior. I'm so grateful for all that He has given me. I'm so grateful that even though we don't do everything perfect, His love for us never changes. And I've felt that so strongly in my quest to change. I can also testify, that Satan will do anything to stop us from feeling the Savior's love. He doesn't want us to feel happy. He wants us to think we can't change. But I know that the power of the Atonement, and the love the the Savior is more powerful. It's beautiful.

These last couple weeks have been a little bit hard. It's been a test of our diligence. Everything that we had fell through this week. everything. we had a total of 4 lessons. It was really kinda hard. I was getting frustrated, but as we just kept going, the Spirit kept lifting us up. One of the things that I love so much, is when I'm frustrated cuz something fell, I have to go make a street contact right now. Right now. Because as I testify of  the restored gospel, the spirit is so strong, and as Paul says to the Galatians, the fruits of the spirit are love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, and faith. I know that's true. When we're down, the best thing to do, is testify. Let the spirit testify to us, and to the people, that the gospel is true. And it makes me feel SO much better! So we have had a hard time finding new investigators, but the Lord has really put amazing people in our path, and always right at the end of the day. It's been amazing! I love it so much! We get kinda frustrated and sad, cuz nobody was home, or a lesson fell, but as we kept talking to people. Talking to everyone in the street, the Lord blessed us with some amazing people!! We've got a lot of really good references and some really great lessons set up for this week! and the Lord blessed us to find a family!! I've been praying all week that we would be able to find a family to teach, and the Lord blessed us to find one of the most humble families in the world! Jorge and Maria and João. They are super humble. We taught them the lesson 0 and then we went back and taught the first lesson, and it went really really smoothly! I'm so thankful that Lord led us to them. We didn't find very many people this week, but the people we found, were very much prepared by the Lord. It's been so great! As we've been trying to keep talking to everyone, and trying to work hard until the end of every day, the Lord put about 15 people in our way right at the end of the night throughout the week. And these people have a TON of potential! And this next week is going to be great! The only thing is, I'm actually getting transferred. I'm heading up to Porto. I'm a little bit sad, because of these awesome people that we found, but i feel like it’s time. I've been here a long time, and I was feeling comfortable a little bit. So it's time to move I guess. :)

I'm super sorry this letter is oober short and not really what you wanted to hear, but I didn't have a ton of time because I had to pack and such. But I love you mom. So very much! I'm so grateful for the updates and everything. I'm glad we got some food from the obedience garden! the Lord blesses obedience! :) And I'm SO glad Alyssa is safe and sound and doing well.

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Figueira da Foz-Elder Brady's First Area

Figueira da Foz-Elder Brady's First Area
Figueira da Foz-Elder Brady's First Area