Madeira Zone

Madeira Zone
President and Sister Fluckiger with the Madeira Zone

Sunday, October 21, 2012

October 15, 2012

Well as far as the work is going here, It's going great! The Lord has really blessed us so so much! The Lord has blessed us to find some people who are progressing at an incredible rate! We're teaching a sister whose name is Maria Albertina. She has had a very very hard time. We contacted her in the street about 3 weeks ago. She was just walking in the road and we decided to stop and talk to her. She had been operated on her thyroid about a month or 2 ago, and her daughters were taken by the Social Services about 3 years ago, and she has just been struggling with this for a long time. We left her a pamphlet and got her number, but then nothing really happened. Then one day, we were just trying to figure out what we should do. We had a lesson fall through, and we didn't have anything planned. So we prayed, and we had a couple people that we decided to call, and Maria was one of them. She answered and she said she remembered us and we were able to set up a guided visit of the chapel! it was really amazing. She said that she just felt light and relieved. She has been just walking through town for about 3 years. She has just been depressed since her daughters were taken from her. She loved being in the church. She said she could just feel calm. She is a super simple lady. She hasn't had much schooling and she doesn't understand really well the first time, because her mind is always occupied on her daughters, but last night she asked us how it is that she can know if the things we are reading in the Book of Mormon are really really true. She finally is understanding now. And we had a really amazing lesson with our stake president and his family and she really loved it there too. She loves feeling the Spirit. She came to church and really liked it. She was SUPER sad because a sister in our ward is a lawyer and as they were talking she said there's not much chance of her getting her daughters back. I'm not sure why, cuz I don’t know the Portuguese laws very well, but that crushed her. But then after church, we ate lunch and were walking to another appointment, and she was actually sitting with a less active recent convert....just talking in the street! And this less active is starting to reactive and is super cool! Also super simple and humble, but really has a powerful testimony. We had a quick little, almost lesson, and it really was an incredible miracle. She was smiling and laughing and it is such blessings that she has this little old man recent convert to be her friend. I'm still learning patience with her. I'm really grateful for this experience with her. She complains a lot, and cries a lot, because of her daughters. And I'm just trying to learn Christ-like love and patience, because she needs it so badly. Please pray for her and for me.
There are other amazing miralces and people that we're starting to work with, but unfortunately, I'm out of time, I love you so very much mom! thanks for everything!!! Give a hug to Shauna and Kim for me and tell them congrats!!!
Love ya!
Elder Brady

PS....Can you get on my facebook and talk to Sydney Christensen?? I SAW HER AT CONFERENCE!!!! :)

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