Madeira Zone

Madeira Zone
President and Sister Fluckiger with the Madeira Zone

Sunday, October 21, 2012

August 20, 2012

Man the whole world's on fire! It’s definitely the signs of the times huh? It blows my mind. I have had the same thought. I'm super excited for the destination (second coming) but the journey is gonna get a little rough. This is where it all comes down to, do we trust in the Lord? That's all there is to it. If we have the faith, and believe, we don't have to fear, because the Lord protects the righteous! It's gonna get a little rough, but we just gotta keep on trucking, with faith. We watched "Joseph Smith, the Prophet of the Restoration" today. It was so good! I love it so much. One thing that really stuck out to me today was the fact that Joseph didn't know what was going to happen all the time. He didn't fully understand why there was suffering. He lost 5 of his children. He watched his friends and family suffer and he didn't even fully understand it. He was a prophet and he didn't know. His life was really hard. But he kept going. He knew in whom he had trusted. He knew who he was and what his job was. He didn't know what the end wqas gonna be but he trusted in the Lord and kept going. Sometimes our lives are hard. Sometimes we lose our job. We have a death in the family, or the car breaks down and there just isn't money to fix it. These are super hard times and our tendency is to say why? Why me? But if we can follow Joseph’s example and keep our faith in the Lord, and push forward, we will be fine. We will be blessed. Maybe not right away, but it comes. The Lord ALWAYS blesses His children who follow him. D&C 121:7. ( thing to remember....Joseph’s life was hard. But he laughed, loved, and smiled. :) Just saying )
Man Frack is married! Man that's so weird!! I don't know how to feel about that. It blows my mind. I can remember when he left on his mission! It seems like yesterday! Those 2 years with him and Scott gone were 2 of the fastest years of my life. So weird.
I'm super glad that Alyssa's doing ok with her shoulder! That’s so rough! I'm super sorry about that! I'm glad she's gonna be able to make to Ukraine and back without any problems. so what's exactly that plan with this Ukraine thing? Who is she teaching? Who is she going through? BYU right? Is she paying or getting paid? I was just talking with Elder Wolman and he was asking me a ton of questions and like a fub, I didn't know! haha :)
Man Britt's already a Dancing fool!! Right on Britt! Way to knock 'em dead! 1st out of 1 is definitely the way to go! I'm super pumped about that! I miss dancing! I miss it a lot. That's one of the things I miss most I think. So keep up the dancing Britt! What kind of dance was it? Swing? Ya know mom, I can understand the hard decision making part. But I have read several talks in the Liahona or the Ensign about stuff like that. We do learn a lot as we make our own decisions. That's one of the things Presidente Fluckiger and I talked about in my interview with him. (PS I LOVE HIM!) The Lord wants us to learn and grow and make good decisions because of our own free will. That's the purpose of life right? :) And that's the purpose of the gift of the Holy Ghost. To help us make this right decisions. But man I miss the temple! :) just sayin' britt :) (Brittany had to decide between dancing at the state fair and going to the temple to do baptisms for the dead. So this reference is to letting her make her own decisions, and Jo tossing in a subliminal message J)
So real quick, I gotta wrap it up here in just a sec, but Armando is so ready to be baptized, but our branch wants to wait for Claudia to be baptized with them. It was a little complicated at first. We marked Armando for baptism, but then the branch didn't like it. At all. So they talked to president Fluckiger about it, and pres said go ahead. so we had it all planned and picked Armando up for church and then pres called and said we should probably wait. Armando was SO devastated. Super sad. But now he's all gung-ho on helping his mom stop smoking! he told us that at 7 o' clock every day, where ever we are....we should stop and say a prayer and he will too! SUPER COOL! I love him to death! So just keep praying that she'll be able to stop smoking. The Lord is blessing her every step of the way. I'm so grateful for the chacne to be working with them.

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