Madeira Zone

Madeira Zone
President and Sister Fluckiger with the Madeira Zone

Sunday, October 21, 2012

October 1, 2012

ok, first things first, I just about PASSED OUT!!! Ashleigh is looking SO good! I can't believe this!! man I can't believe she's a senior mom, you are old.:)
so as far as the strikes or revolts go, the only thing that is really affecting us right now is travel. Like tomorrow, we have to go to Lisbon for Mission council, and there is a train strike. There is only one train that goes to lisbon tomorrow and it doens't get us there in time, so we're taking a bus. Which will just take about hour more, but turns out it is a little bit cheaper, so it works out ok :) we just have to leave porto at 6 to get to lisbon at 9:30 and then leave lisbon at 5:30 to get home at 9ish at night. Its a lot of busriding, but it's all good :) More time to read the scriptures eh? :) So quick question, how are things going in terms of the election race between obama and romney? We here things here and there but I don't really know how much to rely on some of the information iget, because theother day we had a guy tell us that obama had died. It was wierd. but that's a story to tell.
Ok, so we were knocking doors one night about 8:00 ish, and there weknocked a couple and nobody let us in, so then we knocked on this door, and a guy came to the door and was like, "oh hey! good night! how are you? come on in" He shook our hands and like pulled us into his house. So we're like...ok cool, yeah this is great! but then he was like sit down here at this table I'll be right there.So we sat down, and then we just started feeling a little uncomfortable. We looked at each other, and we kinda just knew something sketchy was going on. So this guy, named Manuel, was like, by the way Elder Brady. You look just like me when Iwas little. Look theres a picture. and I didn't look like him.Just saying. ok, so what's new in the world of "evangelização" or in english.....gospelization.....maybe. IDK, but we were just like, um....well we're disciples of Jesus Christ and......then he was like I know I knowI know, but who is the man in the united states that's in charge of the Extra terrestrial exploration? we just sat there. then he was like so who is the leader of the United Kingdom? we didn't know. Then he was like so who is the leader of war in America. We said, obama. Then he said no. he died. I show you in the encyclopedia. Then we were like um....then he was like ok, so heres the deal elders, because you don't know, I'll tell you.... AC, and DC, (being the years before and after the birth of Christ) were egyptian. So therefore, Christ's religion was egyptian. And therefore, we must all be mumified. then he looked over my shoulder (i was sitting across from him) and then started nodding, and saying "uh huh, uh huh, ok" and then started asking us again who was it that had explored space from the United States, and who was the Leader of the war and whatever. really wierd. and everything he said he related back to egyptian religion. and how e should all be egyptian and mummified.
yeah. So you are all probably really confused by this paragraph. but just imagine how confused we were sitting in his house!! haha. so we left a pamphlet of the plan of salvation. He looked at it and said "oh great. Thanks for coming!have a good night" opened the door, and we left real quick. super crazy huh! haha :)

ANyways, random misison story :)
So ash is rocking at volleyball huh? way to go butch! you're rocking it! and you're beautiful. just saying. And way tall. And Britt is killing it! basketball starts already??it's onlyOctober! oh man I'm super jealous britt! rock it out there for me ok? work hard, keep me updated! :) and sarahs working on the euphonium huh? that's super cool! that's what I played i think. Cuz the valves were on the top. Way to go sarah! that things bigger than you are! I really liked playing it. It was a lot of fun! But mom you are absolutely right, my sisters are incredible. I love every single one of them so much. 

Oh yeah, that Idaho Lead thing would be really cool! You did it last year too right? That would be super sweet. It's really cool to have those kinds of discussions. I really like them a lot. How is the student council doing mom? Are you having anymore cool dances or activities? ANd your kindle is super sweet! I forgot you got that. Jesus the Christ is a way cool book. It«'s super hard to read though, not gonna lie. I need a dictionary. Literally. haha :) But the spirit that's there, and the testimony of Christ is incredible. 
AS far as your letters go mom, you're doing great! I love hearing about all of this stuff! You can write whatever you want and I'll love it. Thank you so much for the talk by the way. It was exactly what I needed at the right time. It really helped a lot.Thanks for that. 

So this week the Lord has really blessed us. We've been finding a lot of people! Using the members here has been a little bit hard, but there are a couple families that are super willing to work, and recent converts are just always on fire with the spirit, so we've been working with Diogos dad a little bit. We'rehaving an FHE tonight with Bishop and João. it's gonna be great! if you could pray that everything runs well that would be great! :) He works a lot and is always tired and hard to get a hold of, but the Lord has really blessed us already, because he didn't really want to come to the family night, but now he's coming, so it's gonna be great! 
We've also found this amazing lady named Clara. She was a MIRACLE. we were knockin this apartment building, and then somebody down in the basement was ringing all the doorbells from outside. like all of them. So Clara came out to see what was going on, right as we were coming down the stairs to her door.She just kinda looked at us and we smiled, and there was that little pause, then we just said....olá, we the elders! and  we just started talking to her and then it turns out her husband had died just a little while ago, and she just cried and cried and said she's been praying that she could know if her husband was ok. and then we started talking about the plan of salvation, and we said a prayer with her to help her calm down, and she said we could come back. Such a miracle! but then the second lesson, we just talked a little about the plan of salvaton. She had already read the pamphlet,and was super excited! she cried a little bit as we talked about her husband. but not near as much as thefirst time. We still didn't get all the way through the lesson, and the spirit was just like, just talk to her for a minute. Sowe did, and then we left a book of mormon and the pamphlet for the restoration. Then we came back and she was waiting for us and super happy!she had already read the 1st chapter of teh book of mormon and the pamphlet and was working on reading the plan of salvation again! so this time we taught the first lesson, and she didn't cry at all! she was so excited and happy and she said she just felt so good! and she said her co-workers asked her why she was so happy!! haha! and she said it was because of us! and she wants us to talk to her friend too! it has been such an amazing thing to see the spirit already starting to make a difference in her life. It's been night and day! from the first to the 3rd time we talked to her, she's already a different person! She's going to pray about the book of mormon and she's already said she'll come to general conference this weekend!!! Heavenly Father has blessed us SO much! and whoever was ringing the doorbells was probalby an angel :) :) if you could just keep praying forClara and that she'll be able to make friends with the members taht would be great :)

Well mom, I gotta run, but Iove you so much!! Please let me know if I can do anything for you. I miss you and think you«re fabulous! Love you tons!
Elder Brady

PS, my ipod wierded out, and I lost my music.I have some that theyhad at them ission office, but If youcould send me the Work CD that would be sweet! thanks :)

PPS....scripture of the week, Mosiah 4:6 I love this one! :)

On Mon, Oct 1, 2012 at 6:08 AM, Jeri Kay Brady <> wrote:

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Figueira da Foz-Elder Brady's First Area
Figueira da Foz-Elder Brady's First Area