Madeira Zone

Madeira Zone
President and Sister Fluckiger with the Madeira Zone

Sunday, October 21, 2012

September 24, 2012

Brigham City has a temple now!! That’s great!! I think it was George Q. Cannon that said that every temple built and dedicated lessens the power of Satan on the earth. That is such a miraculous thing! I'm so grateful for the fact the Portugal is preparing for a temple. Apparently tithing is a hard thing here. The economy here in Portugal is terrible. It's horrible. And there is no work. A lot of people are living on the government income, and there are a lot of people who aren't even living off of that. It really takes a lot of faith to pay tithing here. The leaders are really stressing that so that we can have a temple here. My testimony of tithing has really been strengthened here. The people who pay tithing with a pure and clean heart and attitude are SO blessed. I'm so grateful for the gospel. The Lord has blessed us with commandments to guide our lives, and to help us to make the right choices. What are the 3 most common concerns in the world today? Health, Family relationships, and Finances. What has the Lord given us to provide us security and peace of mind? He's given us the Word of Wisdom, the Law of Chastity, and the Law of Tithing. These laws are just ways for the Lord to provide us the blessings and peace of mind and comfort for the 3 most common concerns in this life. It’s amazing how that goes. All of the commandments the Lord has given us are only for our good. We just have to trust in the love the Lord has that he will NEVER ask us to do something that is going to hurt us. The things He asks us to do are only for our good. I know that that is true.

So we had an AMAZING baptism this week!! A young man named Diogo. He's 13 years old, and incredible! His mom is a recent convert who is the definition of the Gospel changes lives. Her life was in rough shape. She was living with a really not good guy, and her son (diogo) had been taken from her, and she was just really really sad and depressed and then one day the elders found her. And then Christ entered into her life. She kicked the really not good guy out. Her ex husband came back and they are going to get married again (we're still working with the husband. He's coming around :)) And she just loves the gospel so much. She bears her testimony to us every single time we're in her house :) It's incredible!! I love her to death. She's named Carla. She's amazing! And so we've been teaching her son on the weekends cuz he still lives with his grandparents during the week. But just for a little while longer. But anyways, this kid is so cool! just a simple humble kid. But at the baptism, his dad came, João. who likes the elders a lot, but he's been a little closed to the church. He reads the Book of Mormon, and likes it; he just won't come to church. At all. haha :) but he came to the baptism of his son. And oh my goodness. The Lord knew that João was there and the spirit was SO strong. It was one of the most amazing things ever!! João was just beaming when he was helping Diogo change into the dry clothes. I know he was touched by the spirit. And our bishop is INCREDIBLE and invited them to an FHE next week (Bishops at the temple this whole week. JEALOUS!) and we're going to start really working to help João. Please pray that he will open up and the spirit can keep working with him. I can just see this family going to the temple here in a year and a bit to become an eternal family. Please pray that we can be guided to help João!

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