Madeira Zone

Madeira Zone
President and Sister Fluckiger with the Madeira Zone

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

March 6, 2012

Yes clean sheets are wonderful, and Elder Wilson and are surviving :) The Lord has been tellingme that i need to be humble, patient, and just work through it. I'm getting better :) yes he loves trains...but i wouldhn't list that as a "good point" hahaha just kidding :)
Holy cow you guys went crazy last week huh? THat's so fun!! I love weekends like that! I'm so glad ash got a beautiful dress!! the thing is though, poor DJ woudn't know what hit him even if she was wearing sweats!! but...i do need pics. those are my favorite! ;) hey ps thanks for the package!!! I was so excited!! SWEDISH FISH!!! and donuts AND.......STRAWBERRY LEMONADE!!! oh my goodness thank you so much!!! THey dont have those in the vendingmachines here! (ps spacebar is not working very well so don't judge my typing.)
Haha that's so funny sarah put that together! i never really did. It's thanks to alyssa being brave enough to follow the spirit to go to Bar T 5 that matthew is in steph's life, and in ours. Tell sarah thank you for me would you? THat's really a cool thing. And tell Lys thanks. ANd tell lys to write me dang it!!! hahah :)
Brando's gonna have a blast taking Lacey!! How did he ask her? Haha Linda will not be happy even a little bit i garuntee you!! but she loves brando so taht'sok :)I'm so sorry you're all sick! That's never fun! what kind of sick was it? you're all in my prayers. Oh i'm so sorry!! I just got back from the temple but i hadn't checked my email! I'll put their names in the temple next week. promise! what's going on there?
So I have a whole list of things that i was going to tell you about this week. (I started getting smarter and writing a list of cool things during the week taht i want' to say. cool right? right.) but.......i left it in my room but i'm running out of time on the computer anways, but if you're gonna write me....i'll respond to it with all of the cool deal!
One cool thing I have to tell you about is Alex Boye! He came and gave a fireside on Sunday and it waws the most amazing thing ever!!! He was SO funny! I haven't laughed that hard in a long long time! He was telling jokes and we were laughing and then he sang and ti was beautiful and then he talked about his conversion story. He told us that our missions will be what we think they are. Our attitude has 100% to do with how our mission turns out and how we are remembered. It was so amazing! It wasfun, spiritual, inspirtational, and mission changing. It really was an answer to prayers! it's hleped every aspect of my mission!
TheLord has answered my prayers about 175 times this week. Alex Boye was one, another was my rib. remember when i dislocated my rib fighting that wild boar in the backyard and saving our entire family and livelihood? yeah well the other night i was coughing pretty hard in my sleep and i'm pretty sure my rib popped out. It hurt so bad. i couldn't find a comfortable way to sleep and it was not a good night. i couldn't laugh, or breath heavily, or play ball or anyting. I was trying to do those stretches to put it back in and help the muscles relax and stuff...and that helped, but i was still not sleeping for like 2 nights because it hurt so bad. I prayed to Heavenly Father so sincerely and so desperately. and within the next 18 hours, the pain is back is fine, i can laugh breathe, play ball, sleep, twist, bend.....all of it. The Lord cares about His Children.....even if they're in pain because they can't pick up their toothbrush! ;) The lord really does love us. and He answers prayers...and He performs miracles.
And the last one I won't get as specific becasue of time, but I've been trying so hard to improve my teachingskills, but i've fellt like ii've hit a dead end. I've been praying every day since i've been here to figure it out....but it's been hard. THen last night....I was practicing with Elder Mendez during class...and as I was discussing with him how we can came to me. It was a complete accident. I wqas just talking and discussing and then I said something.Then I had to stop for a second. that was it. That was what i needed....and I learned itbecause of the situation we were in with our investigators. Oh my word the joy in my heart was undescribable!!! the Lord not only cares, but He has a plan for us and a timing that we don't understand, but it will all work out for our good. Mom it'samazing.
Anyways i gotta run. I love you so much!! thank you for everything!! I can't wait to hear fromyou!!! tell everyone I love them!!!!
Pode o Senhor fica com voces ate encontramos de novo!
ElderJordan Brady.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry this is late, and messy! Had to get it up before his letter today!


Figueira da Foz-Elder Brady's First Area

Figueira da Foz-Elder Brady's First Area
Figueira da Foz-Elder Brady's First Area