Madeira Zone

Madeira Zone
President and Sister Fluckiger with the Madeira Zone

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

February 28, 2012

Happy Clean Sheets at the MTC Day mom!!!
Yes I did in fact change my sheets today and it's wonderful! :) hahaha :) the immunization thing is totally taken care of. I'll get a booster shot right before I leave, which is 4 weeks exactly from today! AHHHHHHH!!!! :) :) :)
Yeah weather here is crazy too. Only we'll get snow and then by the afternoon it’s usually gone, but today, it appears to be sticking. So the boys made it to state eh? That’s super cool!! Tell dad to take good notes and play by play action so i can chew those guys out k?
Tell ash that it's ok, cuz when you get to college, you don't have to ask your parents ;) haha. I'm sorry she's bummed, but that date will be way fun! (Ashleigh was invited by one of her friends to go with her to state, but we have a rule about road trips with friends.) I'm bummed Nikki didn't go with Craig. If those girls weren't so amazing they wouldn’t have to worry about it, but they are absolutely fantastic so there’s not a lot they can do about it :) I love those girls! Who is Nikki hoping to get asked by do you know?
Thanks for sending me those pictures of Steph and Matt!! That’s exactly what i was hoping to see!! Man that's so fun! And I got those pictures so that was super exciting!! Steph’s dress looks great! Is she not getting that one? You said more wedding/prom dress shopping....did she change her mind? Ooooooh. I like the idea of the write the missionary booth!! That would be a ton of fun! I need pictures of the engagement picture shoot too k? I <3 pictures!!! :) And I need ash's prom pictures too.
WHOA!!! Lys is going to Russia?? When did she decide this? And when is she leaving? That’s gonna be so much fun!! She’ll love it! I'm glad her and Ricky are still dating. That’s so good! I pray for them...I love him. He's so good for her. Has she had a blessing about that whole situation? I have an unshakeable testimony of the power of the priesthood. That could be really helpful for her to relax.
I'm glad you had a great time at Stud Gov.! That’s a blast!! I'm super glad! I told you so!!!!! :P hahah :) who's gonna run for SBP next year do you know? Is ash gonna try? She should...she'd love it.
Hahaha how does dad like that spikey hair style? I can't picture that at all!! That’s super funny! Are there any kids at the high school that can actually grow facial hair? (This of course coming from the missionary that only shaves so the other missionaries won't laugh at him ;) )
I was actually thinking this morning how I knew that Steph would be totally ok. The Lord is watching out for her and Matt. I know he is, and I’ve been praying for them. So they’ll be fine! :) I'm glad things are working out, and I pray that they won't stress, because there is NO need :)
Yeah Elder Wilson and I are getting along a TON better. We've needed the Lord's undivided attention, but we're finally communicating well, listening to each other, and for the most part, we're getting along :) Thank heavens for Elder Mendez. Please pray he doesn't get his visa and leave before we do k? K thanks! :) Sorry this is kind of boring...not a lot to talk about the MTC kind of all the same, but I love it and I'm doing wonderful! If you have any specific questions I would be more than happy to answer them for you!! I love you so much and thank you SOOO much for keeping me posted!! I love it!!! Eu amo minha familia mais do que palavras podem expresser (I love my family more than words can express)!!!! I love you and I'm praying for you!

PS Patrick mentioned something about a missionary newsletter?? I think that is a Fantastic Idea!! (notice the caps :) ) something about getting emails from him, kendal, damian, sam, and logan or something when they're all serving? I like it a lot!!! just saying :) Love You!!!

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