Madeira Zone

Madeira Zone
President and Sister Fluckiger with the Madeira Zone

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Safe and Sound in Beautiful Portugal

Hey mom!!!~Sorry I couldn't call you from paris. The calling cards only work if you're callin from the us out of the states. (That's what I get for buying calling cards at Alco!!) sorry about that. I tried really hard. But yes, I am here in Portugal at the mission home and oh my word mom it is SO beautiful!! way better than any of the pictures we saw!! :) but I'm not gonna lie....this Portuguese keyboard is giving me a little bit of problem!! hahah :) I love that quote by president monson!! (Yard by yard, life is hard; inch by inch, it's a cinch)I can't wait to hear from him this weekend! (hopefully in english so I can understand it eh? :) ) all of the elders here say that we speak better than they did when they got here, so that's encouraging, but they must have been TERRIBLE because I couldn't understand ANYONE at the airport!! hahaha :) so I got to talk to a couple of sisters from Finland on the plan from Paris. It was super cool. They were agnostic?? idk they didn't have a specific religion, and they said they were closest to Budhism, but even then not really. they were really fun to talk to. I just talked to them, and got to know them, and then shared my purpose and my testimony here and there. I feel like I probably should have tried something maybe a little more bold, but it took me like 2 hours of the 2.5 to get up the courage to even talk to them! especially cuz I didn't know if they knew English or not. HA :) but it was fun. they were really nice, they wanted to hear about what missionaries do a little more cuz they met some in finland, but they didn't really care a ton about the gospel, but it was really fun to talk to them. Anyways, I have to go have an interview (my president is out of it's just the office couple) but I love you so much!! thank you for everything! I'll let you know how everything else goes here pretty soon. Just know that I'm here, safe, and it's super warm! :) Love you so much! give my love to everyone else.

Love,Elder Jordan Brady

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