Madeira Zone

Madeira Zone
President and Sister Fluckiger with the Madeira Zone

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day Mom!!!
Thanks so much for the package! It made me so happy! My week has been pretty good. The language is coming slowly but surely. I still have to think about all the sentences I say in Portuguese for quite a while, but I'm starting to be able to speak my thoughts...mostly. Elder Wilson found out the other day he is staying for the whole time here. It has to do with transfers in Portugal or whatnot. He's upset, and to be completely honest, so am I, but I guess there's something I need to learn from him, so I’m trying to look for it. We're doing tons better as a
companionship, though, for the most part. Gym is great! I've actually been playing a ton more volleyball here and that's way fun! One of my good friends Elder Savage left today for San Bernardino, Cali, so that was a bummer. I played ball with him a ton! I got his info so I could look him up after we get back. 4-square is totally hard core here! It’s SO funny!! haha :) (I joked about Jordan getting tired of basketball and playing 4-square instead J)
Ash told me she's going with DJ! That’s fun! How did she answer him? I hope she'll get to go with Seth too! That sounds like a really good idea! I HAVE to have pictures of that! Tell Britt to have an amazing time at the dance and to look super cute! I know that's super easy, but tell her anyways :) and don't stress about the cookies mom! I guarantee they have more than they need!! :)
I'm sorry your choir is dying! sad day! how come? cuz of 830 church?
Oh my goodness, I’m so sorry for Al and Becki. That's so so sad. I hope and pray everything will be ok. I know the Lord's got a plan, and he's watching out for them. It's super sad, but
everything will be alright. How’s Sister Andersen doing??
I've got to go mom, I’ve got stuff to do today, and lots of letters actually :) (PS thank you SO much for the stamps!!! :) )
I love you so much! Tell everyone there I love them! Please keep praying for me. I pray for you every single day and I love you all so much! Thanks for the package and the support and everything! I thank Heavenly Father every day for allowing me to come into the Brady family.
You are the greatest blessing in my life. I've realized how much the Lord blessed me to be born into this family. I love you all so much. Thank you for helping me become who I am. I love you and am praying for you!
Jordan----Elder Brady (I don't wanna forget my first name! haha :) )

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Figueira da Foz-Elder Brady's First Area
Figueira da Foz-Elder Brady's First Area