Madeira Zone

Madeira Zone
President and Sister Fluckiger with the Madeira Zone

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

January 31, 2012

Hey Mom!!
dcdi always has issues so that's normal i guess :) My first lesson was ok. I've taught 3 now. My companion speaks Portuguese fluently so you would think that was a blessing, but it makes it hard because he does most of the talking cuz i'm still trying to figure out what our investigator is saying. Uncool. anyways i'm trying as hard as i's difficult, but it's supposed to be right? I've been praying with all of my heart....please pray for me as well. I need the patinece and diligence to work through it.
My companion is Elder Wilson. He's from Salt Lake City, and like I said, he speaks portuguese fluently because he lived in Brazil for 2 years. We get along ok most of the time. We're so different that it makes it really REALLY hard, but that's also part of a mission right? He might get to leave to Portugal after just 3 weeks because he doesn't need to learn the language if that makes sense. An elder in my room is going to Brazil today to the MTC down there. He got his visa and is taking off. His name is Elder Benally. He's a small Navajo elder from New Mexico and he doesn't say much, but we got to be pretty good friends so I'm gonna miss him. The other elder in my room is ElderMendez. He's from San Jose California, and I like him a lot. He's kind of a goofy guy but to be 100% honest, I like him better than I like my companion but that's ok :) Today he'll become a trio with me and Elder Wilson.
That's so cool about Logan!! i'm so excited! i'll write him today. I got a letter from him that he wrote the day before I came in, so I'll repsond to that.
I'm sorry Ash didn't get the part she wanted!! :( that's no fun! Tell her I love her and I'm super sorry but she'll be a fantastic show girl! ;)
So my district is made up of my room, whom i've told you about, and then 2 sisters going to Cape Verde off the coast of Africa, Portuguese speaking. I get a long with them really well. My zone is pretty crazy. My Zone Leaders are super fun, but they don't always do everything according to the book, and they make my companion not want to, but I do, so we argue about that....but that's ok. We're doing everything according to the book so far so that's good. I'm trying really hard to loosen up and its working. I'm having fun. I'm trying really hard to figure out what's ok and what's not if that makes sense?
I LOVE my branch president! He's awesome! I told you I cried to him cuz i was so overwhelmed, but he didn't judge me, and he just loved me. It was so great! He always talks to me and he shows how much he loves me all the time. I love president Crosby. Gym time is fun! I'm making friends with a bunch of elders who have the same gym time. There's an elder from Ririe, Elder Hamilton that's in my gym and I love playing ball with him! And Elder Savage from Salt Lake is becoming my good friend.
I get to go to the temple today!! i'm so excited!!! i LOVE the temple! It's going to be great!
Thank so much for the package! It made my day! and I really needed your letter yesterady. Elder Mendez showed me Mosiah 4:27, and I got your letter, and a teacher talked to me yesterday about being patient with myself and just having faith in the Lord....I think Heavenly Father is trying to tell me something eh?? :)
Hey I didn't get anything in the mail for dad for his birthday. I'm so sorry Dad!! I love you so much and hope your day was awesome! You're getting old but that's ok, I still love you!!
I hope you all have a wonderful week, I love you SO much. please keep praying for me, and know that I'm praying for you everyday. I love you all!!
Tudo bem!!
Elder Brady

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