Madeira Zone

Madeira Zone
President and Sister Fluckiger with the Madeira Zone

Monday, April 16, 2012

Last Week (Sorry folks, I was sick...:() April 9, 2012

Hey dad!!! I haven't gotten any letters yet, but we think the mail man might be a little slow getting to our building, so maybe a little later this afternoon. oh good!! I'm gonna be receiving a lot of stuff in the next couple days eh? good, i'm excited!:) Haha i'm glad you said something about my sense of humor!! cuz my companion doesn't really think that i have one. ....triste! (sad) haha oh well! Yeah the apostle Paul was one of the weirdest experiences of my life. Especially cuz i couldn't even understand what he was trying to bless me with! hahaha not good. I do love elder Weiss. He’s a good guy and he really knows how to talk to people. He has really good relationships with the members and our current investigators. He doesn't like to start conversations in the street or anything like that, but once I make him, or when I start one and then have no idea what they said, he'll come in and start talking and then he does a pretty good job saving my neck :) Yeah Figueira de Foz is super pretty! I like here a lot. It's a super poor area, and most of the buildings are worn down and shabby and not many people have work, but it's really pretty! One of the problems, is a lot of the time, when we get close to the ocean, I can't really smell it, because everyone and their dog smokes here. Oh buddy....”Well sir, I would love to talk to you, but since I can't breathe because of the smoke....maybe we'll talk to you about the word of wisdom before we hit the restoration huh?” haha just kidding....kind of ;) no but it’s a really good area. I like it a lot. I really love the members here! Their great! The only problem is there aren't very many. In church on Sunday we only had 23 people there, including 2 visitors from another ward in Coimbra, and the missionaries. Not very big! And I’m the only one that can even kind of play the piano, so I have to sight read the top hand, and then they just have to not judge the fact that it's horrid!! hahaha :) honestly though, I really wish I would have learned more hymns....this is kind of sad! :) But hey!! We had a baptism last week!! It was super cool! It was the boyfriend of a recent convert. He was having some problems, and we needed some serious help. We prayed and we sincerely felt that he needed to be baptized this weekend, so we prayed for miracles, and honestly, they came. They were living together, but weren't married, so that was one thing we need, and before, his girlfriend (the member who happens to be 7 months pregnant) didn’t really want to get married. IDK why, but she didn't. So we prayed that we could have a miracle, and she told us when we got there that they were ready to get married! Oh man it was awesome!! And so we ran to the conservatorio (idk what that is in English, just like the town hall kind of thing. it means conservatory, but idk what that is. just the town hall basically :) ) and we asked them if we could get them married ASAP. So we couldn't do that weekend, but we have it today at noon so that was a miracle!! And so he moved to the house next door to live until they can be married today! And then the other thing was he needed to quit smoking. That was gonna be rough. But I knew, and we bore testimony that the Lord can do anything! So we decided that he wasn't gonna smoke anymore. He had a little bit of trouble, but then by the time Friday night came around, he was doing better. And He was able to quit and was baptized and confirmed! I asked him how he felt after being baptized, and he said "I feel light. It's a sensation that I’ve never felt before, but it was incredible!" it's super amazing to see what the atonement can do! Light, like something heavy had been taken off his shoulders. Holy cow. It was so cool dad!So i haven't met president Torgan yet. I will get to meet him at zone conference in about 2 and half weeks-ish. I’m excited, but a little nervous too! haha they say he's amazing but super intense!! AHHH hahaha :) but I’m excited to meet him and his wife. And he just got called to the area 70 so that's super cool!So food....I haven't had anything that wasn’t super good! Except for the chicken hearts, and they were ok. But the meat here is AWESOME! And the rice is always good, and they cook in onions and garlic like nobody’s business! I was nervous when I saw them cooking in it so much, but now I get excited cuz it's so good!!! haha :) and the fruit here is BOMB!! Fresh and marvelous!! And they have these little cracker things that are kinda like graham crackers and they're super addicting! haha I eat them a lot. And the Bread!!! Oh my gosh!!! I’m gonna gain weightOk, so I know it's uber expensive to send stuff here, but anything American (food wise) you want to send would be great! I like the food here, but I would love American food too! chips, peanut butter, candy, all the essentials ya know! :)

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