Madeira Zone

Madeira Zone
President and Sister Fluckiger with the Madeira Zone

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

April 23, 2012

My week has been interesting that's for sure. We've had ups and downs but it's been good! We have seriously been struggling. 95% of our appointments fell through, so we've been tracting like crazy, and we've been struggling there too. It’s been kinda rough. BUT we had a family in church for the last 2 weeks so that was super cool! We have an appointment with them on Wednesday. The problem we have with them is that they have a hard time scheduling another appointment. One thing that nobody does here is call ahead and confirm appointments or anything. My companion and I had an argument about that, which I know is dumb, but I’m like hey, let’s call and he's like no it will give him a chance to say no.....and back and forth and back and forth...but yeah. I'm not real homesick. I think about you all the time and I pray for you all the time, but I’m not wishing I was home. I love being here and doing the Lord's work. And one thing I know, when we're focused on what's going on, when I really try to lose myself in the work, the days go faster, I’m happier, and I’m not homesick! :) It's been a little rough, cuz my companion is trunky, so he talks about home, then I talk about home, and then I starting thinking about home, but that's when I start singing a hymn or something so I can get focused again. And I feel a little bit like no one understands me. I don't have the same kind of relationship that My companion has with the members, because I can't understand everything....still. And they all try to give me advice, but they don't really understand how it is I’m feeling. And I try to explain it, but they take it the wrong way, so I just gave up on that. And my companion is not the person I want to go to for advice in this all. He's a good missionary, and he told me some incredible stories today that were just awesome!! I loved to hear it, but I’m not gonna turn to him for advice on this. At all--so I’ve been feeling a little alone, but I love praying. I love it. I feel peaceful, calm, and like somebody understands me. Because I know that Heavenly Father knows me. And I know that He loves me. So I love praying and talking to Him, and feeling that "it's ok, don't stress, I'm in charge" feeling. So awesome. So yeah this week has been a little bit of a battle, but I figured it would be, so here I come! :)
Awesome, Skype's what we'll do then. We have interviews with President Torgan in Coimbra this week, on Thursday, so I'll find out what the deal is with that and then let you know. My companion said an hour, but the sad thing is, I really don't trust him when it comes to stuff like that. He's been telling me a lot of stories of stuff he's done, and how he's gotten in trouble with President, and stuff like that, and I’m just like....yeah ok...I’m not listening to you anymore. Oh well. It'll be interesting to see if he or I get transferred in a couple weeks cuz this next one will be his last. He thinks he's leaving, but some of the members think he's gonna stay and I’m gonna leave, but I’ve been thinking that we're gonna be together one more. We’ll see.
I'm glad the play was good!! That article made it sound like it was gonna be a blast! Those real stage guns! That would be sweet!! I’m glad ash did so well! Did she have fun? She’s so funny!! And she's gorgeous!! And my companion said that we look really similar, so apparently I must be pretty good looking too eh? ;) It's weird to think that when I get back, she's gonna be in college!! What?!?! Strange...
 St. George weather is incredible! I love it! Here it's super warm too! I honestly have no idea how warm it is, cuz A-- we don’t' have a thermometer, and B--everything here is in Celsius, so......I don’t' know what that means! haha :) everyone here talks about how much they weigh in kilos and how tall they are in meters and centimeters so I basically don’t even know. They ask me how tall I am and I just look at my companion and say...."não tão alto como ele é!" which means, "not quite as tall as him!" :) it's funny! It has been super rainy the last week though. It rains in the morning, and then during the afternoon it usually clears up a little, then in the evening it will come down again. Sometimes it just rains all day. And then the wind will pick up cuz we're right by the ocean, so it's all over the place. My companion is tired of it, but I really like it! If we had to keep this up for like 2 months, I’d get frustrated, but right now it's kinda fun! And sometimes the rain will be more like a mist rather than rain! It's so wierd!!! I’ve never seen anything like it in my life! It’s cool though.
 So the family from India couldn't meet with us til Sunday, but they tried to call us and tell us they couldn’t but they couldn't read my handwriting on the card, so they called the Elders in a different area!! haha bad! but they're super awesome and we taught them in English and Portuguese cuz they speak like 5 languages, but none of them fluently except for their native which is Punjabi (which is a language the the BoM isn't translated :/ but they have Hindu so that’s ok :) ) so we were back and forth in between English and Portuguese so that was interesting. And we taught a TON! We taught the entire plan of salvation, and part of the restoration, and mentioned the gospel of Jesus Christ, all because he had questions! It was awesome!! He accepted the "convite-suave" which is like a smooth invitation to be baptized. We asked him if when he knew these things were true he would be baptized. And he said absolutely!! He’s super humble, very smart, very much involved with his family and he wants to be baptized and do what's right. It honestly is incredible! He was a little hesitant to pray. He didn't really want to because he just never has and he said it was something he didn't do. That was when got to bear my testimony of prayer. I just told him that it was something that is really really special to me and can be for him. I asked him how he would feel if his son decided not to talk to him for a couple days. He said it would be really hard and he would be a little hurt and want to know why. I told him it was the same way, but even more so with our Father in Heaven. And prayer is the way we communicate with Him. I told him it is simple, and it's not anything grand or anything like that, but that it's a way to talk to Heavenly Father and to feel Heavenly Father's love for us, and to receive guidance. I asked him again if he'd pray last night and he said he would. Man it was awesome! I felt the Spirit with me. It was such an awesome experience dad! It was so fun to feel the spirit testify. Oh I loved it!
 Man so one thing that I’ve learned, is not only is the gospel true, but it is amazingly cool too!!! Seriously! I love studying!! I always feel like I don't have enough time! I've also started to study by topic more, and that is so fun too! The problem is, I'm having more questions, and wanting to learn more than ever before, but A) I don't have enough time, and B) where do I start! I have so many questions and I want to learn it all RIGHT NOW!! haha but I can't! So I've been studying the Law of Moses, and then the fall of Adam, and why that was important, and why we shouldn't curse Adam, but really, we should honor him. It's been super fun! (ps...Bible one of my favorite study tools...just sayin)
The Gospel is true. The Lord loves you, and so do I!! (Winkler quote:) )
Love ya!

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