Madeira Zone

Madeira Zone
President and Sister Fluckiger with the Madeira Zone

Monday, April 16, 2012

April 16, 2012

Oi mãe!! tudo está bem aqui! muito obrigado! eu estou a trabalhar com todo meu coração. e sei quanto tu amas-me e eu espero que tu e todo minha família sabem quanto eu amo-vos e quanto eu penso e oro por vocês! :)
(Hi mom! everything is right here! thank you! I'm working with all my heart. And know how much you love me and I hope you and all my family know how much I love you and how I think and pray for you!)
Man I bet everything is crazy there now! I’m super sorry! Here’s the thing, no need to worry about me. If I don't get pictures or a letter right away, no sweat! I’m still gonna be here, but the wedding and stuff at home doesn't last forever, so stress not! :)
That’s so great that Britten is doing better! Oh my goodness that makes me feel better! The Lord is definitely watching over Him. And the Lord is blessing Him because of his service. That's so cool. His testimony was stellar! Made me think a lot about why we go through things. He's such a stud! Keep fight Britt! Keep fighting!!
Oh man....Aunt Heather passed away? That’s so sad! I feel so bad that I don't even know her. That really makes me sad. But now she doesn't have to worry about her broken body, and she can focus on trying to become better now. Another trip to St. George? Man I’m sorry. But it'll be really good for you and dad to be there. One thing that I’ve realized is how important family is. A lot of people here don't really think that family is important. And that's one of the saddest things I’ve ever heard. It's super hard. They do think about their family, well the older generation, but the younger generation like, 30-40, it's not as important and even some of the members aren't really looking for an eternal family. It's super hard that way. So that's really an awesome thing that you're going down to see her.
Parabéns on the BoM! That’s super cool! I’m still in 3rd Nephi and loving every second of it!! haha :) but I am excited for when I can read ‘I Nephi having been born...’oh man! How cool! And Jason's turning out to be the stud of the year!!(This refers to Jason Murdoch who is taking Jordan’s place in my ward choir) that's awesome!! Super cool!
Something that the president of the relief society here (who is incredible btw) said in church yesterday...translated kind of.....We have the capacity to do ANYTHING! We just need to be resilient. Like a sponge. It doesn't matter how you squeeze, twist, move, or pull on a sponge, it will ALWAYS return to its original shape. That's what we need to be. No matter what life, or Satan, throw at us, twist us, squeeze us, or pull us, through our Heavenly Father, if we are resilient, we can and must, return to our original shape. Oh it was cool. She's incredible. And so is our stake president, President Pais! He's AMAZING! Love him! And it was a great meeting on Sunday! We had 5 investigators there and they all loved it!! Super pumped about that! They all want to come back! YES! And we increased from 23 people in church last week, to 34 this week!! BOOM BABY!! Yeah for the power of prayer faith and the spirit!! We’ve been praying and making goals to getting people to church, and honestly, the Lord works miracles. Oh it was AWESOME mom! And the spirit was way strong! Loved it! :)
So got the talk and letters on Wednesday or Tuesday....can't remember which, but I got them. So thanks! :) My feet are wonderful! Finally adjusted to the cobblestone and life is good! The sheep skin is coming through for me! Go Mr. Mac!!! :) We had a baptism 2 weeks ago, but Margarida was our goal for this week, and she's not having any of it. It's super sad cuz her husband is a member, but she just isn't feeling it right now. It breaks my heart cuz her husband is stellar, but he doesn't want to offend her right now, so we're backing off a little. Maybe a little bit later. So the Brazilian divorce, right now we're still waiting, which is super sad, cuz Vivian and Leandro are INCREDIBLE! Satan has been working on them, through trials at them all over the place, but they are just rock solid!! So cool! But we want them to have the gift of the Holy Ghost ASAP, so we're still working on that.
Anyway, I’m about out of time, but i love you so much. You are amazing people. Honestly you are, and I’m so grateful you're mine :) thanks for everything, don't stress about sending me anything right now, wedding is WAY more important, and also, you need to pay for someone else's my peanut butter can wait :) hahaha I love you all so much. Have a great week, and stay strong!! Alma 48:17...favorite scripture. Well that and Helaman 5:12. yeah...anyways. Love you all.
Elder Jordan Brady

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Figueira da Foz-Elder Brady's First Area
Figueira da Foz-Elder Brady's First Area