Madeira Zone

Madeira Zone
President and Sister Fluckiger with the Madeira Zone

Monday, July 2, 2012

June 11, 2012

Bom dia mãe!! Eu peço descuplas, eu não sei quanto eu vou conseguir escrever hoje porque i não tenho muito tempo neste momento porque eu já escrevi pai um pouco e também Presidente Christensen. Desculpa!!!
Man I love sam so much!! he's a stud! I' miss that kid. I miss all those kids, but i'm SO pumped that they are all on missoins. How awesome! PS....tell ryan I say Hi and I love him and miss him and i'm thinking/praying for him. pode ser?

But yeah, real quick, Alage. THis has been super interesting. Because he went to chruch the other week, and then the next day he finally got some work, which he hasn't had. So that was a HUGE blessing from the Lord. But now because of this blessing he has been working on sundays and has been INCREDIBLY difficult to get a hold of because he works from 9 in the morning until like 10:30 at night, and we have to be in the house at )9;30 or 10. So that's been rough. But we've been teaching his family, and they are so great!! I love them so much. Tatiana has just been so fun to get to know. She didn't realize that God was actually her Heavenly Father. We said that, but she didn't really understand, so the Spirit told us to talk about taht a little bit more, and it was amazing to feel the Spirit testify to her that she really was a daughter of God. SO COOL! and we showed them Finding Faith in Christ and she couldn't believe that they would do that to our Savior. She just keept talking about the injustice and how horrible it was. We talked about how He did that just for her. And if there was no one else in the world, He would have done it again just for her, because it's true. Jesus Christ would have suffered exactly what He did, all of it, just for one of us. That's the love He has for us. It was amazing to see her. But then she didn't come to church!!!!!! AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!! but she promised she would next week. So please please please pray that Tatiana will come to chruch. She's 17 and we trying to help her become friends with the Branch Presidents daughter, whos 14 and totally awesome! She's Brazilian and her mom invited us over for FHE next week. This is cool cuz their family is awesome and super spiritual and also, Brazilian, and that means that the food with be AMAZING!! hahaha :)
And we're teaching this incredibly lady named Maria. She's the daughter of a recent convert who is so sweet. Irmã Bemvinda is like 75 years old and doesn't know how to read, but her testimony is so sweet and she wants to share it with everyone, and now we're helpiung her daughter. Maria knows the Restoration happenend. She knows taht Joseph Smith saw Heavenly FAther and Jesus Christ. We watched the movie the Restoration, and the Spirit was SO strong and she told us she felt it. She is just scared to go to church because of the experience she had with the Jehovah's Witnesses. So pray that she'll be able to get over taht fear ok?
Ok well mom, I'm super sorry this is oober short, but i'm out of time.... I love you so much. I'm so glad that swimming lessons are going so good. I told you you'd do great!! I love you all!

Elder Jordan Brady.
PS yeah i got nikki«s letter. Sorry I haven't written back!!! I love her tons!!!

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Figueira da Foz-Elder Brady's First Area
Figueira da Foz-Elder Brady's First Area