Madeira Zone

Madeira Zone
President and Sister Fluckiger with the Madeira Zone

Monday, July 2, 2012

July 2, 2012

Olá mãe!! a semana foi muito muito boa! aprendemos MUITA coisa! haha a infestação realmente, não é tão mal. Eu acho que não não tenho nehum outro...bite....i don't know how to say that yet. But anyways...i haven't been bitten in like 2 i'm thinking maybe it wasn't too bad....idk. we'll see i guess! haha

oh man!! 3 on 3 tourneys ROCK! I love them! except that i'm pretty sure all of my tiny little miniscule talent already left. totally gone. It's been like 3 and a half months since ive done anything basketball related....triste. haha but i bet dad is SUPER glad to get to watch that tourney! that'll be super fun! so are you gonna wake up and leave at like 5 in the morning or are you gonna go up the night before?
Rattlesnakes?? man that's rough. I don't ever remember there being rattlesnakes that bad at home. What's going on there? don't freak out mom...."just walk nice, they won't getcha!!" ok....that was apostate...i'm sorry. but i couldn't resist. (for those of you who didn't catch that...yes, that was a reference to the runaway bride.)

Mom thanks so much for sharing what Braden said. That really really helped this week. We had an experience with that kind of a thing and that actually really made me feel a TON better. that is really true though. When we think about the priesthood, that's the same power that Jesus Christ used to create the world. It's the power that governs the heavens and the earth, and it's the power that Christ used to perform all of the miracles. It's an incredible honor and responsibility that Heavenly Father has given us. And our responsibility as holders of this priesthood, is to bless the lives of other people. I've already seen amazing miracles with the power of the priesthood. It's a comfort, a protection and a life changing power. super increidlbe.

So Eliza....she's been having a rough time. We had to tell her that unless she was willing to accept Jesus Christ as her Savior, and follow His example, we couldn't keep meeting with her. (the appointments with her were like 2 hours long each.) But we left a reading with her and invited her to come back to church on sunday, and she did! so that was SUCH a miracle! so we talked with her a little bit after church and we're finally being able to help her understand WHY she keeps coming to church. She feels good and we're trying to help her realize that that's the Holy Ghost. She just doesn't quite understand how it works i guess....idk. We keep finding out more and more. little by little. and she keeps surprising us...little by little. I think her biggest problem is confidence. Confidence in herself, in us, and in the Lord. She hasn't been 100% honest with us and she said that she's understood things, but then it turns out that she hasn't, but as the Spirit has been touching her, little by little, we've been able to find out more. and now we're able to plan how to keep helpng her. Please keep praying for her! and us that we can be patient with her. She makes us a little frustrated sometimes...that's why she's been through missionaries for about 8 years. literally. But pray that we can love her and be patient with her enough that we can keep helping her ok? thanks!

Sorry this is short and INCREDIBLY unorganized. i'm ridiculously tired. We had to wake up at 5:30 to take the zone leaders to the airport so they could meet the new President!!! YEAH! but anyways, i'm super tired today, so don't judge my random rambling :) hahaha

I love you all so much and just want to thank you for everything that everyone has done for me. I thank Heavenly Father constantly for the opportunity He gave me to grow up in Grace. To meet the people I met. To have been able to go to BYU and be touched by so many people there. To have such great friends and family in so many places. You are all amazing and I love you all! I just want to bear my testimony to you all that I know, without a doubt, that the gospel of Jesus Christ is perfect. It was restored through Joseph Smith. I know that it is perfect because it was created by a loving, perfect Heavenly Father. And I know without a shadow of a doubt, that Jesus Christ is our Savior, and through Him, and through doing our best, one day at a time, we'll be able to return to live with them again. This is real. It's true. I know it because the Spirit has testified of it to me 1001 times as amissionary. I know it's true, and i'm so grateful for it in my life. in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

Elder Brady

I'm a putz i forgot. I'«m sorry!!!!!!!
love you!


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Figueira da Foz-Elder Brady's First Area
Figueira da Foz-Elder Brady's First Area