Madeira Zone

Madeira Zone
President and Sister Fluckiger with the Madeira Zone

Monday, May 14, 2012

May 14, 2012

It's just a quick note today; we spent a lot of time talking yesterday. What a joy that was! We were able to Skype with Elder Brady. It was so delicious to see his handsome face and enjoy his humor and his expressions! That was so much better than a phone call!
Elder Brady has been transferred to Madeira. It's an island about 320 miles from the African coast. It is called "The Pearl of the Atlantic." You should google it, it is stunningly beautiful.  There have been 10 new missionaries sent there to whitewash the island. Elder Brady expects he will spend quite a bit of time there, as it is expensive to fly the missionaries in and out. Elder Brady is the district leader and sr. comp. He's a bit nervous as he's only been 6 weeks in the country, but he'll be fine! He speaks the language better than he understands it, so that has gotten him in a couple of sticky situations! :) His new address will be on the right side of the screen. 
Here is his letter from today:
So yeah, we live right in funchal. right on the coast. and so there are tourists EVERYWHERE! a little ridiculous. and this morning i actually met a man from england who is here to write a book. and he was unbelieveably athiest (get it? UNBELIEVE-ably? tee hee) but yeah...i was talking to him, cuz he doesn't speak portuguese, but it was super interesting. He wouldn't let me start talking about anything religious cuz he said it was stupid and how is it that we could believe something like that. But then it's good if that's what we think, but it's ridiculous and how could we believe that and stuff...and everytime i was trying to bear testimony, or to ask questions about stuff, he changed the subject (we were on a bus btw...just saying) he was incredibly closed minded, didn't like to think about anything. I asked him waht he thought about where we came from and where we're going, and he just asked me who cares and all this stuff. yeah it was interesting. But it really made me so grateful for my testimony. I realized that i know that Joseph Smith saw Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ and that he really did translate the Book of Mormon from the gold plates. Even this man, who thought it was ridiculous and child's play, couldn't affect it, because i KNOW it happened. I never saw it, but i know it happened, because the spirit told me it happened. I'm so grateful for that man, who was an unbeliever, because he really fortified my testimony, that i DO know. just food for thought, be grateful for the stubborn people who don't believe you, because the spirit will tell you that you know it's true, and so life's good :)
So i'm gonna get, so i can write ash :) but thanks for everything! I love you so much! and basically the only thing i need is anything that has sugar and is American ;) and peanut butter! but don't stress about can wait til whenever. And prayers too...that would be good too :) but i love you so much mom. Always remember there's a missionary that's on an island in the middle of no where...and he's praying for you.
Love you mom!
Jordan/Elder Brady
Ps....did you know that Elder is a portuguese name? only it's spelled Helder (H's are silent in it's waste to have it there....anyways) and so everyone and their dog thinks that all mormon's from america are called Elder.....yep kinda funny. Anyways eu amo-te! Tchau!

1 comment:

  1. MMMMk. I'm officially a dedicated follower of this blog. Good work, Elder Jo! You're a rock star and stuff. And happy Mother's Day to Jeri Kay! You're an awesome lady and mentor to me and many others. Thanks for all you do for all "your" children in Grace. You're a rock star too...just sayin'.

    :) Looking forward to next week's post.

    love, BF Beth


Figueira da Foz-Elder Brady's First Area

Figueira da Foz-Elder Brady's First Area
Figueira da Foz-Elder Brady's First Area