Madeira Zone

Madeira Zone
President and Sister Fluckiger with the Madeira Zone

Monday, August 13, 2012

July 23, 2012

So the fires were pretty intense, I'll be putting the pictures on here in a minute, probably in the next email, but yeah. We called our branch president to see if there was anything we could do to help, but he said that basically it was like you said, just forest land and stuff like that, and so it’s not really something we can help with I guess. I don't really know. I do know that there were quite a few people without homes, so please pray for them. But I actually found a really cool scripture that I've been able to use with a few members and investigators this week. The Lord showed this to me at the PERFECT time. 1 Nephi 22:17 "Wherefore, he will preserve the righteous by his power, even if it so be that the fullness of his wrath must come, and the righteous be preserved, even unto the destruction of their enemies by fire. Wherefore, the righteous need not fear; for thus saith the prophet, they shall be saved, even if it so be as by fire." (Emphasis added :) ) And a member of the District Presidency talked yesterday about the signs of the second coming and how we need to make sure we're doing what's right because in D&C 64:23 it says "he that is tithed shall not be burned at his coming." I really think that it go to some of the members. Tithing is something that's a little bit weak here in Portugal. So I think this will help. I hadn't heard about the fire on the continent, but it's just one more sign that we're in the latter days eh?
Oh man it's fair time at home!!! hahaha man I wanna fairburger SOOOO bad! haha :) I was thinking a little bit about that this week. My blood vessels won't know what to do without the delicious greasiness of a fair burger for 2 years! haha! There was an awesome talk about the Preisthood Responsibilites in the ensign you sent me....from conference. Man I'm super disappointed in myself that I can't remember who gave it... I think maybe President Uchtdorf...but I read that and had to think again about my attitude of Preisthood Service. Maybe someone could share that in Elder's Quorum or High Preist Group. Preisthood service isn't just giving blessings. One of the things in this talked by an unremembered General Authority that really stuck out to me was, when we receive the Preisthood, we make a covenant to act. So to break this covenant the only thing we need to do, is nothing. So if we don't volunteer to do a shift at the fairbooth...are we really living and fulfilling our Presithood Covenants and responsibilities? I really wish I could remember who said it, but it was in the last conference. It was really really good. I LOVED it!
I'm SO proud of my sisters!! man they are such amazing and special daughters of our Heavenly Father! Way to rock the talk Britt!! And I'm so grateful you are doing scripture study. That is such an important thing, and an important habit that we need to start now.  The scriptures bring such a spirit into our lives and in the lives of the people around us. They give us the light in our eyes so we can be a witness of God at all times, in all things, in all places. Which is the best way to share the gospel! :) (PS small children sisters of mine, sorry I haven't written, I'm a fubeca i know....but just remember that i love you!! :) ) As of right now, I haven't gotten the package. I'm still waiting. I really hope it gets here, cuz I'm DYING for American candy! :) WE HAD MEATLOAF!!! I just remembered! There is a sister from America who was born here on Madeira, but moved to California when she was really little but her mom and dad still own a house here so she comes once a year to take care of legal stuff and such. She fed us the other day and it was meatloaf!! oh man I LOVED IT!!! made my life!! haha and she made hidden pear jello stuff like you make mom!! only with Eye of the Dragon....some kind of really good fruit. tinha saudades da comida de minha mãe!! :) haha
So interesting story....we were walking down the road the other day with Books of Mormon in our hands, and we started talking to this lady in the street. She was pretty old, but was super nice. We were just talking about the weather and how she likes to read, and then she saw our books and asked us if we were book salesmen!! haha made me laugh really hard! she didn't want the book after we explained it, and that made me sad....but i just thought it was funny. made me chuckle a little bit.
So just to end, I want to tell a little story. So recently, we've been having a really rough time finding people and just the work has been really slow. Elder Bond and I get along great! and so we were really confused. We talked about a few things and we were like what is going on here??? We started talking and talking and then we started to realize that little by little, we had been holding pride in. There were a few things that we were doing, that were just enough to make us prideful. Just really little things, that had built up until there was a little stress and contention, and the spirit really couldn't be there. And the more I analyzed myself, more I realized, that I had been incredibly prideful this enitre transfer. I felt so bad, because I hadn't even noticed it really. That's how Satan works! He just moves things in on you very quietly and subtly, until you're in so deep its HORRIBLE! so we had a discussion, and things were a little touchy for a while. I felt terrible and it was a horrid and sick feeling inside of me. I didn't like it. I didn't like the feeling and it was like a HUGE weight was on my entire body. I felt sick to my stomach. I didn't know what to do. Then as we were getting up for church yesterday, I remembered a challenge President Fluckiger had given us. He reminded us that the sacrament is a very personal and precious and sacred thing. It’s a way that we can renew our covenants with Heavenly Father. He also said that honestly, the sacrament doesn't mean anything to our investigators. It's a way for them to feel the spirit, but it's not the renewing of the covenants for them like it is for us. So he knew that Sundays are stressful for us, so he told us to take time for the sacrament. Take time to make the sacrament the special occasion that it is. This is one time that we can focus on us. Because we need to live this covenants with our Heavenly Father. So that was something that I really really tried to do. And I did. It was so incredible. To feel the purifying, cleaning power of the Atonement. To know, that my Savior is going to help me clean this pride out of my heart and mind. And to feel the Spirit testifying to me that it's true. and that I’m ok. and that I'm clean.
I just want to bear my testimony, I know this is true. I know it.

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